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Feedback for Vinyl Valet

Vinyl Valet - Music Lover/Audiophile
Tempe, Arizona, United States

Posts: 1360, Send Email

Date Registered: November 13, 2003
Last Post: Jim Smith's of Get Better Sound (nt) at 06:07:05 on August 31, 2024
Occupation: Retired.
Interests/Hobbies: Family fun (perfect wife of 32 yrs, awesome sons, 24 & 25), surfing, scuba, yoga, playing keyboards, guitar & bass, recording & listening to music, building pro & home audio gear, refurbishing vintage gear, boating, fishing, reading, NFL.
Other: 26 years experience: design & test of analog, digital & mixed signal ICs for use in pacemakers.

50 years experience building, modifying, restoring & troubleshooting pro & consumer audio gear. I prefer working with vacuum tubes.
Gender: Male
Age: 68

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