Audio Asylum Inmate HipsterD's Maggie 1.6s System

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HipsterD's Maggie 1.6s System
Last Update: April 08, 2001 at 13:41:19 IP Address:
Amplifier: Sunfire - Be kind! Lotsa clean power for the $$$. Little AC draw, especially at idle (eco-friendly).
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): Sunfire "Classic Vacuum Tube" - Purchased at nice discount. Plenty of "air".
Speakers: Magnepan 1.6 (Nothing more to say...I had Maggies in the 80's and finally came back home.)
CD Player/DAC: Rega Planet (as transport), *Monarchy Audio DIP 24/96 (using balanced output), *MSB Nelson Link DAC III, P1000 power supply (*Image link below doesn't reflect these recent upgrades.)
Other Source(s): Nakamichi BX-125 cassette deck, Kenwood minidisc recorder
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: Double run of AudioQuest Indigo speaker cable, interconnects primarily Kimber (e.g. Silver Streak, Hero), digital interconnects are Apogee Wyde-Eye and Canare Digiflex Gold
Other (Power Conditioner, Racks etc.): PS Audio P300 Power Plant, Monster Cable HTS2000 PowerCenter, StudioTech rack
Tweaks: Lots of vibration control stuff (e.g. cones, rubber feet, etc.), Room Tunes & absorption panels
Room Size (LxWxH): 11 x 10 x 7
Room Comments/Treatments: Check out URL below for a couple of system images.
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): Acoustic Blues & Folk (Van Ronk, Lightnin', Tuna, etc.), Dylan, Garcia/Dead, Female Vocalists (e.g. Natalie Merchant)
System Goals/Comments: Losin' the ego in the music (Zen?)...
System Strengths: Soundstaging & imaging, coherency, dynamics, the "Yeah!" factor in the wee hours (with a hoppy microbrew in hand).
System Weaknesses: Little control over space dimensions/restrictions. (At least it's a dedicated room!)
Video/HT System: None
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