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Todd R's Almost right-really, I'm done this time-system (HA!) System
IP Address: Last Update: February 18, 2019 at 14:42:14
Amplifier: PS Audio BHK 250
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): PS Audio BHK preamp
Speakers: Vortex Acoustics (VonSchweikert) VR-35
CD Player/DAC: PS Audio Direct Stream Dac with Bridge 2
Turntable/Phono Stage: Rega P7/ Dynavector DV20 II / Channel Islands PEQ•1 MKII with AC•15 MKII Upgrade Power Supply
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: Audience A24 SX Speaker cables
Audience Au24 SX interconnects
Audience powerChord SE
Other (Power Conditioner, Racks etc.): Synergistic Research PowerCell 8 UEF SE
Salamander Synergy Twin 30
Room Size (LxWxH): 25ft x 25ft x sloped celing
Room Comments/Treatments: Auralex Acoustical treatments.

2 CT 45 Corner Bass traps, 4 C45 panels
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): Anything but rap, pop country, opera, or top 40 garbage.
System Goals/Comments: To stop spending so much damm money on it! (looks like I'm failing)
System Strengths: Excellent image focus, speed.
System Weaknesses: Room sucks.
Video/HT System: Integrated
TV/Projector: Sony 43" XBR
Sources (DVD/VCR): Dish Network HD receiver, Sony DVD Player.
Other Interests/Hobbies/Occupation: There are other hobbies?

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