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Keith Myers's Sounds Good to Me! System
Last Update: October 25, 2004 at 15:07:48 IP Address:
Amplifier: EAD PM-2000
Aragon 8008BB
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): EAD TheaterMaster Ovation
Speakers: Magnepan Magneplanar 3.6R
CD Player/DAC: Pioneer Elite DVL-91
Panasonic RP-91 DVD-A
dCS Purcell
dCS Delius
Audio Alchemy DTI Pro-32 anti-jitter
Turntable/Phono Stage: Music Fidelity MMF-2
Sumiko Blue Point
Creek OBH-9
Other Source(s): Magnum Dynalab FT-11
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: Harmonic Technology Pro-9
Harmonic Technology Pro-Silway II balanced
Kimber KS-1120 balanced
ESP Essence / DIY power cables
Other (Power Conditioner, Racks etc.): PS Audio PP300
Power Wedge 1118
Tweaks: Lots of lead
DH cones / Polycrystal cones
Quantum Symphony Pro
Room Size (LxWxH): 18.5 x 21.5 x 8
Room Comments/Treatments: Speakers are set up asymmetrically across the width by necessity. RPG diffusors on left wall and behind listening position. ASC Tube Trap in left corner next to subwoofer. 3' Sonex foam in windows behind speakers to keep sound inside apartment and not bother neighbors. Left/right frequency aberrations due to wall proximity on left and open room on right.Gathering my pennies for digital room correction for frequency via SigTech or TaCT.
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): Classical
System Goals/Comments: Searching for the absolute sound.... or the closest facsimile ;-}
System Strengths: Dynamic, open, balanced, natural depth, detail and presence.
System Weaknesses: Asymmetry caused frequency localization shifts thru 3 narrow bands
Video/HT System: Separate
TV/Projector: Mitsubishi 42' Widescreen RPTV
Processor/Receiver/Amplifiers: EAD TheaterMaster Ovation
Speakers (Center, Surrounds, Sub): Magnepan MGCC1
B&W Matrix 805
Velodyne F15
Sources (DVD/VCR): Pioneer Elite DVL-91
Panasonic PVHS-2000 PVR
Replay RTV-3000 PVR
Panasonic RP-91 DVD
Replay RTV-4080
Comments on HT System: In desperate need of a digital front projector to get rid of the plastic box (RPTV) between and behind the speakers that gets in the way of the soundstage.
Other Interests/Hobbies/Occupation: Purchaser/Linear Accelerator engineer

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