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ScrapIron's Old system System
IP Address: Last Update: January 05, 2023 at 05:21:25
Amplifier: Decware Taboo (Serial #1)w/Mundorf Silver oil cap upgrade; Sophia 274B rectifier
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): Decware CSP (Serial #4)w/Mundorf Silver/Gold/oil cap upgrade; TJ Meshplate 274B rectifier
Speakers: HornShoppe The Horn; HornShoppe "The Cube" bass augmenter
CD Player/DAC: Musical Fidelity A3.2 CD
Turntable/Phono Stage: Sota Sapphire with Graham 1.5t (2.2 bearing cap upgrade), Acrylic composite armboard, Grado Ref Master cartridge; Wright Phono AG phono pre-amp.
Other Source(s): Apple iPod Classic 160GB
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: MAC AgQ and UltraSilver+ ICs; Mac CuQ spkr cable; Graham IC-50 for Sota.
Other (Power Conditioner, Racks etc.): VH Audio Hot Box with Auricap filters; MAC HC power cords.
Tweaks: Sota Reflex Clamp; 4" Mapleshade platform under TT and Triplepoints; AudioPoints cones and coupling discs under Sota
Room Size (LxWxH): 21 x 14 x 8
Room Comments/Treatments: None.
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): Jazz, R&B, acoustic, a little rock, a little roll.
System Goals/Comments: realize a smoothness...
System Strengths: getting there, great midrange!
System Weaknesses: New room, adjusting sub....
Video/HT System: None
TV/Projector: LG 42" LCD 120Hz (1080p)
Processor/Receiver/Amplifiers: same
Sources (DVD/VCR): Pioneer Elite Blu Ray
Other HT Gear: Nintendo Wii
Comments on HT System: Got rid of most of the HT stuff... focusing on 2 channel
Other Interests/Hobbies/Occupation: Family, work, the usual.

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