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Chazmo's Basement billiard room System
Last Update: May 13, 2003 at 11:42:07 IP Address:
Amplifier: B&K EX-442 Sonata Series
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): Bottlehead Foreplay,w/Anticipation, Stereo Sweet Whispers, cap upgrade and snubber
Speakers: Dynaudio Audience 52
CD Player/DAC: Heart 6000 w/Bugle Boys
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: DIY Chris VenHaus silver IC, crappy monster speaker (to be replaced w/DIY)
Other (Power Conditioner, Racks etc.): Ikea Lack w/PartsExpress spikes
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): Everything
System Goals/Comments: Not too shabby -- but a really lousy room (basement)
System Strengths: Detail
System Weaknesses: Bloated bass (room problem). DIY bass traps are in my future.
Video/HT System: None
Other Interests/Hobbies/Occupation: Guitar player (don't gig anymore)

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