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Ken J.'s Stereo/5.1 HT System

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Ken J. 's Stereo/5.1 HT System
Last Update: July 07, 2002 at 00:18:02 IP Address:
Amplifier: Bryston 4B-ST
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): YBA2 pre with MM phono stage and upgraded outboard power supply
Speakers: B&W 801 Matrix S2 w/ newly installed (March '01) North Creek external crossovers (see the North Creek website for info).
CD Player/DAC: Museatex Melior transport and D/A convertor
Turntable/Phono Stage: Oracle Delphi V Turbo with Graham Model 2.2 Deluxe & Transfiguration Spirit, YBA MC step-up transformer.
Other Source(s):
  • Denon DVD-3000 DVD player
  • Audio Technica OC9ML cartridge
  • Grado Signature XTZ cartridge
  • Sony CDRW-33 professional CD recorder. I bought this to transfer my rare, out of print LPs to CD-R for myself and friends. With Sony's Super Bit Mapping feature, it does an excellent job.
  • Tuner and cassette deck (pretty generic mid-eighties Japanese mass market stuff)
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: Kimber 8TC speaker cable, Monster and Ultralink interconnects
Other (Power Conditioner, Racks etc.): Panamax 1000 power filter (for digital and video gear only), custom-made rack for turntable, transport, D/A, etc.
Tweaks: I have a couple of fancy power cords from MAS that made a difference on the amp and preamp in a previous incarnation of my system, but don't improve my current amp and preamp at all. Since resale value is probably very low, I'll probably try them out on my video or digital components (not a high priority in my system).
Room Size (LxWxH): 20' (6.1 metres) x 15.25' (4.6 meters) x 8' (2.4 meters)
Room Comments/Treatments: Speakers 1/3 into the room (on short wall), listening position 1/7 into room (10' away from speakers; speaker are 8' away from each other).

No audiophile treatments; just wall-to-wall carpet, overstuffed furniture, porous textured ceiling, a couple of framed prints, 2 bookshelves, and vertical blinds covering the wall-to-wall, floor-to-ceiling windows behind the speakers.

Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): Jazz (avant-garde, free, post-bop, some Miles Davis-type fusion), 20th Century composers (minimalist, experimental, electronic, etc.), rock (experimental, ambient, dub, trip-hop, punk, alterna-pop, industrial, world fusion, etc.), blues (trad and electric), reggae, etc., etc.

Preferred source: LPs mostly, but I also have about 1600 CDs.

System Goals/Comments: Goals: Accuracy, full-range frequency response (at least 20 Hz to 20 KHz), ability to play at realistic levels without strain, sounds more like music than hi-fi
System Strengths: Achieves the above goals
System Weaknesses: Still doesn't sound quite like the best live performances (on the best recordings, though, the illusion is pretty convincing).
Video/HT System: Integrated
TV/Projector: Toshiba 27"
Processor/Receiver/Amplifiers: Dolby digital processor is on-board the Denon DVD-3000. Amplification for center and rear channels, along with level control for center, rear, and front channels provided by the Adcom GSA-700.
Speakers (Center, Surrounds, Sub):
  • Center: B&W CC6
  • Rear: B&W 805 Matrix
  • Sub: Mirage BPS-150 (150 Watt bipolar sub with 2 8" drivers in a sealed box)
Sources (DVD/VCR):
  • Denon DVD-3000
  • Toshiba Hi-Fi VCR
Comments on HT System: Don't really use it much, but when I do, I like it. Mirage claims the BPS-150 sub goes down to 22 Hz, but if it does, it's not with the authority of the B&W 801s. Still, the bass is clean and tight, and with 5.1 channel DVD blockbusters, it's more than enough for high-rise condo dwellers like me.
URL Link: http://members.shaw.ca/ken.j/_images/system_new.jpg

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