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keldasdad's Hey, It's Mine System Welcome!
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keldasdad's Hey, It's Mine System
Last Update: August 12, 2006 at 15:39:54 IP Address:
Amplifier: Quad 303
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): Audio Mirror T-61 Linestage
Speakers: ProAc Studio 125; B&W subwoofer
CD Player/DAC: Xindak SCD-1 SACD/CD (2 channel)
Turntable/Phono Stage: Scheu Menuet/Moerch UP-4/Grado Black
Quad 33 (phono section only)
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: Custom Power IC (CD to pre); Xindak IC (phono to pre); Sonoran, Custom Power, Absolute and Camelot power cords
Other (Power Conditioner, Racks etc.): Furutech ETP-60 power Conditioner
Tweaks: FIM rollers; DH Labs ceramic cones; Hard wood eqpt. platforms; Bright Star platform (TT)
Room Size (LxWxH): 15 x 22 x 10
Room Comments/Treatments: Room is heavily furnished/hardwood floors/plaster walls
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): Acoustic jazz/classical/some rock/pop
System Goals/Comments: Least expensive system I've had in years-and the most enjoyable!
System Strengths: It sounds real
System Weaknesses: Phono cartridge needs upgrade
Video/HT System: None
Other Interests/Hobbies/Occupation: reading

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