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ScrojanOC's The Road to Audio Nirvana System
IP Address: Last Update: February 07, 2015 at 09:02:08
Amplifier: Audio Research Corporation (ARC) M100 monoblocks

ARC VT100 mkiii

Pair of vintage QUAD II monoblocks

Wright-Sound WPA 3.5 2A3 SET monoblocks

McCormack DNA-1
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): Shindo Labs Monbrison

Audio Research Corporation (ARC) SP-10 mki

ARC SP-11 mki

ARC SP-8 mkii

ARC SP-9 mki

Wright Sound WLA12
Speakers: QUAD ESL-57

Altec 846A Valencia (16-ohm model)

Snell Type J II

Two sets of Quad ESL 63 electrostatic speakers (one set are USA Monitors) and Gradient SW-63's that need to be refurbished

A pair of QUAD ESL 57's that need total refurbishment
CD Player/DAC: ModWright XA5400ES with the Ultimate Truth mod & Signature Truth umbilical

Sony DVP-NS9100es in rotation with a Pioneer Elite DV-09 as transports paired with a Theta DS Pro Gen Va DAC
Turntable/Phono Stage: Thorens TD-124 mki mounted in a James Campbell-crafted multi-layered Baltic birch plinth with a SME 3012R tonearm/Uwe-body Denon DL-103R retipped by Soundsmith/Yamamoto HS-1A African ebony headshell and an SME 3009 Version 2 Improved tonearm with a Shure V-15 Type IV.

Thorens TD-124 mkii with an Ortofon RMG-212 tonearm/Ortofon 90th Anniversary SPU.

Linn Sondek LP-12 with a Chris Harban Cocobolo plinth, Ittok LVII arm, Lingo I power supply and Koetsu Urushi Vermillion cartridge.

Second Linn Sondek LP-12 with original afromosia plinth, black Ittok LVII tonearm, and Shelter 90X cartridge.

Garrard 301 grease bearing that needs a new plinth/tonearm/cartridge.

Garrard 401 that also needs a plinth, tonearm & cartridge.

Lenco L 75 with Mirko bearing upgrade & plinth. Needs a Schick 12" tonearm.

Thorens TD-125 TT project that has yet to come together.
Other Source(s): Auditorium 23 step up transformer made for a Denon DL-103.
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: Auditorium 23 4.0M speaker cables with bananas (amp side) and spade adaptors (speaker side)

Cardas Golden Reference 3.5M bi-wired speaker cables

Purist Audio Musaeus 2.0M with bananas on speaker end and spades on amp end (primarily used with the QUAD 57's)

Cardas Golden Cross 2.5M bi-wired speaker cables

Shindo Labs 1.5M, 1.0M and two 0.5M Silver ICs

Cardas Golden Reference 2.0M, 1.5M, 0.75M and 0.5M ICs (RCA)

Cardas Golden Cross 1.5M & 1.0M ICs (RCA)

Tara RSC Prime 1.0M ICs

Kimber Kable Hero 1.0M IC

Kimber Kable Illuminata 1.0M and 0.5M 75-ohm digital cables

MIT Digital Reference cable

1.0 M Stereovox HDVX digital cable

1.23M Black Cat Silver Star 75-ohm digital cable

4' WyeWire Juice II Silver power cords for the ModWright XA5400ES
Other (Power Conditioner, Racks etc.): Shindo Labs Mr. T power conditioner
Powervar ABC1600-11
PS Audio 300

Box Furniture D4S in sapele

Billy Bags racks & amp stand
Sound Anchor amp stands
Target VW1 and VW2 wall-mount turntable stands

VPI 16.5 LP cleaner
Tweaks: Shunyata Dark Field cable elevators & mini elevators

Hickok 539B tube tester
Room Size (LxWxH): 17 x 14 x 15
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): Jazz, Hawaiian slack key & contemporary Hawaiian music, R&B, blues, rock and roll, classical and opera.
System Goals/Comments: Shibusa/shibui/shibumi. Assemble a system that gets out of the way of the music. Transparency and musical truth.
System Strengths: That wonderful "tube sound", their liquidity, and the resultant sound stage. It's like being at the venue!
System Weaknesses: None that I can think of...I think I am almost done!
Video/HT System: None
Other Interests/Hobbies/Occupation: Understanding the Elusive Grape a.k.a. the Wines of Burgundy and the concept of Terroir. Fine Cuban cigars, vintage Port, and the magnificent sunsets at Polihale Beach.

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