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bertola53's My one (and half) System
IP Address: Last Update: November 30, 2009 at 04:10:51
Amplifier: Naim Audio Nait XS integrated
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): None
Speakers: Naim Audio N-Sats
CD Player/DAC: Naim Audio CD5X
Other Source(s): Oppo DV980H DVD player
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: Audiogram Superwire Din-din interconnect
Naim Audio NAC-A5 speaker cable
Other (Power Conditioner, Racks etc.): Pure AV PF30 (for Oppo and Sanyo PLV-Z1 projector only).
Naim Audio FlatCap2x external PSU for the Nait's preamp section and the CD5X's analogue section.
Three Naim Audio Powerlines for the three Naims.
Self-built two-story table based on Ikea's Traby, spikes added.
Room Size (LxWxH): 6.5 mts x 3.5 mts x 2.90 mts
Room Comments/Treatments: Fully furnished, carpets, two sofas. Behind the speakers the wall has been decorated with heavy paper/straw wallpaper.
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): Classical, jazz. In both areas, a slight bias towards solo piano. Symphonic. British pop, American songwriters. A certain dislike for baroque and opera.
System Goals/Comments: To have fun
System Strengths: Built, sound, flexibility/upgrade ability, the looks, the servicing by Naim.
System Weaknesses: If you exclude a certain bass lightness, none.
Video/HT System: Integrated
TV/Projector: Sanyo PLV-Z1
Processor/Receiver/Amplifiers: None
Speakers (Center, Surrounds, Sub): None
Sources (DVD/VCR): Oppo DV980H
Other HT Gear: None
Comments on HT System: None
URL Link: http://None
Other Interests/Hobbies/Occupation: Reading, biking, films, walking.

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