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Vinyl Rules! - Reviewer/Press,
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Primary home is deep in the mountains of NC. Also spend much time in Washington, DC working for . ., United States

Posts: 357, Send Email

Date Registered: March 4, 2003
Last Post: MQA Declares Bankruptcy at 01:06:31 on April 12, 2023
Systems: 1. Audio & A/V 7.2 (subwoofers).4 (Atmos) Combined
Occupation: Mostly retired spook. I still do some consulting and I occasionally write for for 2 well-regarded audio magazines. I also teach some Business and Technology courses and have a townhouse in Washington, DC.
Interests/Hobbies: Managing my "Triple Hit" Stage IV Agent Orange cancer and keeping it in remission. When it was discovered in June 2015 at the Duke University Medical Centre it had metastasized in virtually EVERY organ in my body. Duke's Cancer Lab actually foun

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