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Japesgalore 's 'Almost' Perfect System
IP Address: Last Update: January 21, 2024 at 03:52:28
Amplifier: Jolida JD1502, NOS Mullard M1837 tubes
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): None
Speakers: Dynaudio 52SE
BK Electronics XLS200 subwoofer
CD Player/DAC: Jolida JD100S, NOS Tesla E83CC and Sylvania Baldwin 12AU7 tubes.
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: VenHaus CHeLA speaker cable, mid-level Furutech bananas/spades, Alan Maher R-C filter on binding posts.
Interconnects: DIY 31awg pure gold conductors in cotton spiral, Furutech FP-106(R) connectors.
Alan Maher power cables.
Other (Power Conditioner, Racks etc.): Speaker Stands: Partington Superdreadnaughts 2/3 full with 2:1 catnip to steel chippings. Sonic Design Audiophile footers between speaker and stand, thin Herbie's Grungebuster material between speaker and footer.
E&T Spider Rack filled same way, beech chopping boards as equipment support on 1.5 layers (thick then normal) of Herbie's Grungebuster material.
Herbie's Tenderfeet between components and supports.
Dedicated line leading to Furutech FP-SWS-D WallBox(one outlet R, the other G) with components plugged in directly - no conditioning.
Tweaks: Alan Maher Q-mini CBFs sandwiched around the main circuit breaker and his Infinity CBFs on midpoint of speaker cables and in components' power sections. Herbie's Ultrasonic RX tube dampers on all but Mullards. Copper AHP2 fuse in CD player, gold Furutech IEC inlet. Herbie's Super Black Hole! for attachment to CDs. fo.Q damening material applied judiciously.
Room Size (LxWxH): 5.1m x 4.2m x 2.8m
Room Comments/Treatments: Took for ages to find adequate speaker placement in a pretty tricky sounding room - heavy concrete walls and large communist-era furniture result in very bright sound without treatment. Around a dozen DIY rock wool/fibreglass panels dotted around, with first reflections tamed and speakers at 1/5 length, 1/4 width and roughly 1/3 height of room.
Subwoofer now well integrated after incremental testing of placement and settings.
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): Practically all. Appreciate the audiophile staples of jazz and classical and rock but get the biggest kick out of hip-hop/rap, funk and drum'n'bass. No elitism or snobbery as there is much to be experienced in all kinds of music.
System Goals/Comments: To appreciate all good music, knowing that when people say 'hmm, I don't like that', it's often down to the way it's being reproduced. My goal to eliminate all interference/limitation that results in stridency and unrhythmical presentation. People lose interest/walk away if these thing's aren't right, and without even knowing why.
System Strengths: Tone, emotion, PRaT and above all musicality. Have taken the same core components that I've had for the last 6 years and taken them to a much, much higher level. Tempo and dynamics are great, tone is good and very nuanced, good height, instrument separation and decent depth. There's not much that bugs me and I can really enjoy the music, and up to reasonably high levels.
System Weaknesses: Room probably still presenting some limitations, but no longer noticeably. Components are essentially mid-fi so they lack that next level of refinement, I suppose.
Video/HT System: Integrated
TV/Projector: LG LD450 LCD TV
Sources (DVD/VCR): Custom, silenced PC
Comments on HT System: Budget TV but highly recommended as PC monitor - no ghosting or post-processing nonsense.
Other Interests/Hobbies/Occupation: Occupation: TEFL
Hobbies: Pretty much only this one, unless you count binge drinking;)

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