Audio Asylum Inmate DannyD's My system doesn't have a name! System

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DannyD's My system doesn't have a name! System
Last Update: July 06, 2001 at 15:46:58 IP Address:
Amplifier: Musical Fidelity A300 Integrated - 150 watt/ch
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): None
Speakers: Joseph Audio RM22si (beautiful sound, beautiful looking, somewhat low sensitivity)
CD Player/DAC: Musical Fidelity A3CD
Turntable/Phono Stage: Rega Planar 3/RB300/Elys
Other Source(s): Sony MDS-JB930 Minidisc deck

Nakamichi RE1 for Tuner, 2nd room amp

Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: analysis plus oval 12 speaker wire, musical fidelity interconnects
Other (Power Conditioner, Racks etc.): Sennheiser 580 headphones, Creek OBH-11 headphone amp, Sound Design 5-shelf rack, Power Pack II, record doctor record cleaner
Tweaks: None
Room Size (LxWxH): 20 x 12 x 7.5
Room Comments/Treatments: Crappy Room - have to put speakers along long wall. Have a big indent-thing which creates extra corners for sounds to bounce around. Girlfriend would not put up with any room treatments, though. :(
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): Rock/Electronic/Soul/Classical, everything from AC/DC to trance music to Prokofiev. (No jazz, though; for some reason it bores me.)
System Goals/Comments: Ended up getting the Musical Fidelity pieces through the mail just 'cuz NYC dealers are such a pain. Also, high girlfriend acceptance factor (nice-looking, they are). But very happy, both seem to be great pieces. Already this system is probably overkill for this crappy room
System Strengths: Power, detail, warmth, huge wide soundstage (speakers are along the long wall), big bass once a certain volume level is hit.
System Weaknesses: Mostly from the room - lots of reflected sound, huge thumpin' bass can occasionally take over the room.
Video/HT System: None

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