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Hank Murrow's Final Music System System
IP Address: Last Update: November 29, 2014 at 10:09:56
Amplifier: Parallel-Feed 2A3 MQ/Bottlehead Customs Amp with TFA 2004 M4/Cobalt Opts.& CUTF V-caps.
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): Parallel-Feed MQ B7 Cobalt linestage by Bottlehead Customs with IAG TVC's.
Speakers: Blumenstein Orcas with BUF Subs; and Custom BH Crack headphone amp with Sennheiser HD600's with Cardas Cables.
CD Player/DAC: OPPO DVP_95 Universal Player
Turntable/Phono Stage: Custom VPI TT with Blue Point Special EVO-lll
Phonostage by Bottlehead Customs with Eros circuit, MQ iron, & CUTF V-caps.
Other Source(s): Oppo DVP 95 player and Bottlehead DAC
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: Silver interconnects
Other (Power Conditioner, Racks etc.): Soloist filtered outlets & dedicated wiring.
Room Size (LxWxH): 18-6 x 14-9 x 8-0
Room Comments/Treatments: Nothing special yet.
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): Classical from early to current, blues & Jazz, vocals, keyboard.
System Goals/Comments: Relaxed involvement in the music.
System Strengths: Wide soundstage at low volumes, good ambience retrieval,
System Weaknesses: The room.
Video/HT System: Integrated
TV/Projector: Olevia 537H LCD TV with rotated Terk TV55 Antenna. Mitsubishi XD-90 digital projector.
Processor/Receiver/Amplifiers: Same as music system.
Speakers (Center, Surrounds, Sub): Same as music system.
Sources (DVD/VCR): The Oppo Dvp 95.
Other HT Gear: N.one
Comments on HT System: Given good source material, it sounds and looks great.
URL Link: http://www.murrow.biz/hank
Other Interests/Hobbies/Occupation: I have been a studio potter for 57 years.

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