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Fox 's Foxy System
Last Update: January 10, 2007 at 07:14:14 IP Address:
Amplifier: DIY Aleph 5 Monoblocks as designed by Nelson Pass
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): DIY Balanced Line Stage as designed by Nelson Pass with X-modification (supersymmetry)
Speakers: Totem Sttaf with Beaks and REL Strata III subwoofer.
CD Player/DAC: Marantz SA-15S1 SACD/CD-player
Turntable/Phono Stage: Thorens TD125 MKII. The bearing and spindle have recently been repolished. I use bearing oil with an incredible low viscosity, which increases the dynamics of the TD125 considerably. The arm I use is DIY-unipivot design with adjustable and fairly high effective mass to make the best of the low compliant the Denon DL-103.

The phonostage used is another DIY-affair. It is a mix of a Pass Labs Aleph-Ono MC-stage and the the Pass Labs DIY Pearl Phono. Gain is adjustable and 70 dB max.

Other Source(s): Marantz Tuner.
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: Premium CAT-5 based starquad bi-wire speaker cable. Van den Hul The First, The First Ultimate, The Second and Patchbay Balanced interconnects.
Other (Power Conditioner, Racks etc.): Power filter and power cords by design of Jon Risch.
Tweaks: Bitumen pads for damping equipment resonances.
Room Size (LxWxH): 9 m x 4 m x 3,8
Room Comments/Treatments: Some cushions placed close to the wall facing the loudspeakers.
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque, Alternative Rock, Hard Rock, New Wave, Gothic, Jazz, etc.
System Goals/Comments: A natural, coherent, intimate, detailed and - last but not least - musical sound that makes it possible to dig deep into the meaning of a recording
System Strengths: A natural, coherent, intimate, detailed and - last but not least - musical sound that makes it possible to dig deep into the meaning of a recording
System Weaknesses: Since I bought a Rel subwoofer my system has splendid macro dynamics, which were considered a weakness before.
Video/HT System: None
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