FAQ Search Asylum Trader |
ricardo.mossmoya's VERY CHEAP System | |
IP Address: | Last Update: October 29, 2013 at 14:18:25 |
Amplifier: | cambridge P75 |
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): | C75 |
Speakers: | home made |
Sources: | |
CD Player/DAC: | meridian CDP208 with mc phono stage |
Turntable/Phono Stage: | home made three piece twin platter carbon fibre suspended tone arm with magnetic stabillizing and fluid damping |
Other Source(s): | fidelity research fr1mk2 frt3,silver litz silicone covered arm wire |
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.: | |
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: | carnival bi-wire speaker cable,raptor inter connect |
Tweaks: | loads |
Room Size (LxWxH): | 18 x 12 x 7.5 |
Room Comments/Treatments: | none |
Music Preferences and Comments: | |
Music Used (Genre/Selections): | 60-70 |
System Goals/Comments: | to make it the best i can for as little as i can so far its cost £250.00 |
System Strengths: | so lucid so just sooooo |
System Weaknesses: | amps |
Video/HT System: None | |
Other Interests/Hobbies/Occupation: | building speakers +turntables +arms modifying cartridges |