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hornsandtubes@gmail.com's System 1 System
IP Address: Last Update: March 18, 2014 at 19:25:10
Amplifier: .
* Cyrus 10wpc to mains (reduce the noise)

* Cyrus older (make sound wetter, louder(?) via Genelex, caps, Cardas binding posts)

* Musea MTR or CAS or SW-15 (mods)
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): .
* 2 Inputs (ask what RCA's he used and how to add more)
- Musea DAC
- Bluray video only
- FM

* 2 Outputs:
- Cyrus 10wpc
- Ashly to Musetex MTR-101 or CAS-10
Speakers: .
* T500 (If 350Hz horn, cross at 13Khz@6db = 1.5uF, if 300Hz horn cross lower) @20KHz

* Ampohm PIO or Sonic Cap or Fostex Copper caps for T500

* T350 @13KHz

* 2441-Be on 250Hz

* 2001 on 1000Hz 18db@1KHz as supertweeter or try 350Hz with the low end gain of the larger horn (TD2002 is in $250K brass horn); Coral M100; PR170MO

* RCA on a 200-250Hz horn with fast opening (conical or JMLC) and big mouth, OR 265Hz tractrix. 110Hz Fs)...250-7KHz. Fundamentals channel is where it shines.

* MAG FC15 (360V@ mA)

*12PE32 B&C...PAudio SN12B, Beyma 12p80nd, 18p80nd Levinson Daniel Hertz M1; TPL-150, faital m5n12-80 5";

* Basshorn with E145's (35Hz, .26) or 515Ghp

"RCA smoother sounding driver with more mellow and placid response to dynamic, contrast and colors. S2 is slightly more responsive to contrast, more aggressive, more transient and more granular. Why people who use RCA drive it with more idle amps?"

with RCA, 4ohm series R

250Hz = 40uF + 40uF & COIL 5.0mH
330Hz = 40uF + 20uF & COIL 3.9mH
400Hz = 40uF + 10uF & COIL 3.2mH
500Hz = 40uF & COIL 2.5mH

650Hz = 20uF + 10uF & COIL 2.0mH
800Hz = 20uF + 5uF & COIL 1.6mH
1000Hz = 20uF & COIL 1.3mH
1300Hz = 15uF & COIL 1.0mH
2000Hz = 10uF & COIL 0.64mH

4000Hz = 5uF
5000Hz = 4uF
6500Hz = 3uF

10KHz = 2uF
13KHz = 1.5uF
16KHz = 1.25uF

20KHz = 1uF

26KHz = 0.75uF
30KHz = 0.66uF
40KHz = 0.5uF
60KHz = 0.33uF
80KHz = 0.25uF
I have 22 1uF caps.
I don't really need to buy pair of 10uF
I need to buy 6 0.25uF oil caps and/or some 0.33uF
I have 2.5mH and 5.0mH inductors.
In series, its 7.5mH (not useful maybe 200Hz and lots of wire)
In parallel, its 1.67mH (~775Hz)



CD Player/DAC: * Need Transport for CD
* BluRay player with NAS connection and good remote with screen for accessing NAS files like Sueezebox, spdif (for redbook only transport)
* Squeezebox to NAS 3TB
* load Bluray onto PC drive to NAS
* Buy 2nd SPDIF for $100
Turntable/Phono Stage: .

* Win power supply and cart
* SE405 and EPC cart with NOS and aftermarket styli

* TransFi 2-3 platter rubber bands
* TransFi platter dots
* 2251 with MDF slab home depot cut
* Tonearm (for reference playback)
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: * magnet wire try for speaker cable
Other (Power Conditioner, Racks etc.): * need Regenerator
- (mainly for sensitive DAC, 2251 and FM, not the amps)
Tweaks: .
Room Size (LxWxH): 17 x 14 x 12
Room Comments/Treatments: .
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): .
System Goals/Comments: .
System Strengths: .
System Weaknesses: .
Video/HT System: None

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