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Balder's My Basic "second hand" 2.1 System System
IP Address: Last Update: October 05, 2015 at 04:21:44
Amplifier: Yamaha RX-V1800: 7x130W RMS, 0.04% dist. in 8 ohm. Stereo(only use the front channels and pre-sub-out). All settings manually done.
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): Adcom GFP-555: Use as HeadPhoneAmp(better than Yamaha) Keeping it for future experiments, may build a simple class A or Tube power Amp to go with it for a "purist system".
Speakers: Main Speakers: Boston-A26 (on stands) - 150W, 8ohm.
Subwoofer: AudioPro-SubFocus - 10" long throw, 400W, Vented, port under cabinet, 23-100Hz, ace-bass-7 system.
CD Player/DAC: HDCD:Rotel-RCD971. SACD and DVD-A: Pioneer-DV585A, set for stereo. Lite-dacAH(modified by a friend: dac chip(4/channel, parallel)now work in classA --> output, OP amps bypassed with capacitor.)
Other Source(s): Samsung BD: Streaming MP3 music over home network(And experimenting with SACD.iso on DVD-R, DSD out(HDMI)BD to DSD in(HDMI)Amp with varying results). Sony USB MediaPlayer for wav files(PCM coax).
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: Rotel CD: Audioquest DiamondBack. Boston Speakers: SupraPly 3.4S with Nakamichi banana plugs. AudioPro Sub: IXOS plugs and cable. Pioneer SACD: TaraLabs-Prism 500i. Samsung BD and Sony USB MediaPlayer: standard HDMI and RCA cables.
Other (Power Conditioner, Racks etc.): Headphones: Shure SRH-940. Usually through the Adcom GFP555, from rec out on the Yamaha.
Room Comments/Treatments: Concrete, gips board walls, wood floor, big windows without curtains(like the light, the wiev). Little echo, needs some damping down.
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): HardRock(70-80's). ProgressiveRock(everything). Electronic(ex. Tangerine Dream, Kitaro, Kraftwerk etc.)
System Goals/Comments: In the long run towards a warmer, ear friendlier, sound. Gave up vinyl years ago(after i recorded the ca 400 best of them into wav-files). So, gone digital, first thing is an affordable media PC/player for DSD and hi-res PCM files, with/without external DAC.
System Strengths: Tight, dynamic, powerful and detailed sound.
System Weaknesses: Top region can be hard. Sound get "compressed" at high levels. Think the room acusiks need to be tweaked.
Video/HT System: Integrated
Other Interests/Hobbies/Occupation: Airguns, Science, Nature, Camping and Swedish Cider.

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