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aldo.mari58's A Class System
IP Address: Last Update: January 26, 2016 at 15:11:50
Amplifier: Convergent Audio Technology JL2, 100+100w, triode class A
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): Convergent Audio Technology SL1 Renaissance, line + phono
Speakers: Avalon Radian HC (87 db, acoustical suspension), Magneplanar MG 3.3/R (84db, isodynamic planar + ribbon tw)
CD Player/DAC: Sonic Frontiers SFCD1, Mullard and Siemens tubed
Turntable/Phono Stage: Clearaudio Evolution, Audio Technica AT OC-9 ML/II
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: Self made Biwired crossed 4x4mmq (anti-inductive pattern), Straight Wire MR32, Estro Armonico Audio silver coaxial, Ohelbach silver coax)
Other (Power Conditioner, Racks etc.): Virtual Dynamics power cable made for CAT, steel spykes
Tweaks: Very thin anti-diffraction felt on Avalon's front (instead of thick original one)
Room Size (LxWxH): 7.1m x 4.25m x 3m
Room Comments/Treatments: 5 tube traps (super traps + standard) self made RPG-like polystyrene panels, thick carpet, sofa, many shelves with books everywhere
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): Jazz '50,'60, '70, modern, guitar players, progressive rock (GB made, '70), renaissance, baroque, classical piano, '900. Bach and Bartok above all.
System Goals/Comments: tonal coherence, relaxed dynamics, depth of acoustic scene, instrument weight
System Strengths: Precision, olographic, thick body sense (Avalon); airiness, large soundstage, bass involvement, gorgeous musicality (Magnepan)
System Weaknesses: Some opacity in dynamic system, little weight in some acoustical piano with planar.
Video/HT System: None
Other Interests/Hobbies/Occupation: Jazz Guitar playing, Photograph, Vinyl and HiEnd gears, Minerals, Cooking, Single Malt Whisky, Reading many Books...

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