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N.B.C.'s Cursed Hassle & Drew Craft: Dance Macabre System | |
IP Address: | Last Update: April 15, 2023 at 21:26:14 |
Amplifier: | . www.clipartbest.com/clipart-7ca66ryMi www.longswims.com/about/ www.hometheaterhifi.com/volume_6_1/ces-1999-showreport.html www.antiquewireless.org/wp-content/uploads/1989-AWA-Review-Vol-04-1.pdf ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TWO MONO CROSSOVERS PER SYSTEM \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (2) NEW ESOTERIC MONOPHONIC 5-WAY HDMI CROSSOVER: * Esoteric R&D department develops clean sheet DSP 5-Way Mono Crossover with HDMI ONLY, ASAP!! * Metals electrical-directionality optimized * One Mono Outboard PSU per Mono Crossover * Fixed 96db/octave * Fixed crossover points * No time delays or other 'features' * Designed to run monophonic 5-way Array. Connects up to TEN DUAL-MONO M1X SETS with (sometimes duplicated) bandpass OUTPUTS. * NUMBER OF CROSSOVER HDMI AMPLIFIER OUTPUTS FOR PLAYBACK LOUDSPEAKER: - (1) UHF Amplifier OUTPUT (20KHz+) - (1) MF Amplifier OUTPUT (800-20KHz) - (2) LMF Amplifier OUTPUTS (200-800Hz) - (2) UB Amplifier OUTPUTS (50-200Hz) - (4) LB Amplifier OUTPUTS (10-50Hz) NUMBER OF CROSSOVER HDMI AMPLIFIER OUTPUTS FOR MIXING MONITOR: - (1) UHF Amplifier OUTPUT (20KHz+) - (1) MF Amplifier OUTPUT (1-20KHz) - (1) LMF Amplifier OUTPUT (150-1KHz) - (1) LB Amplifier OUTPUT (15-150Hz) ASSOCIATED COMPONENTS (1) 70"H rack (central for each side of TEN Mono Amplifier INPUTS) with one shelf for DSP Mono Crossover OUTPUTS (1) 70"H rack (6' behind aforementioned) with one shelf for DSP Mono Crossover PSU (1) HDMI 70' cable from each DSP Mono Crossover OUTPUT into Mixer INPUTS at DJ Booth (1) Power Cable 20' from each DSP Mono Crossover PSU into a Power Regenerator ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TWIN LOUDSPEAKERS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PLAYBACK LOUDSPEAKER \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (10) ESOTERIC M1X DUAL-MONOPHONIC AMPLIFIER SETS LOADING: UHF DUAL HORN ARRAY: One Mono Amplifier into Two [8R] TAD DP-703 diaphragms [OR] Two [32R] ESD CVDB diaphragms = 300W@16R MF HORN: One Mono Amplifier into One [16R] TAD 4001 diaphragm (+16R dummy) or One [32R] ESD 4" or 3" CVDB diaphragm = 150W@32R LOWER MIDRANGE HORN ARRAY: Two Mono Amplifiers into Two [16R] Taramps 18" 3K7's Each = 150W@32R per amplifier UPPER BASS HORN ARRAY: Two Mono Amplifiers into One [32R] PD.2150 Each = 150W@32R LOWER BASS HORN ARRAY: Four Mono Amplifiers into One [32R] PD.2150 Each = 150W@32R ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (PERMANENT) MIXING MONITOR \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (4) ESOTERIC M1X DUAL-MONOPHONIC AMPLIFIER SETS LOADING: UHF HORN: One Mono Amplifier into One [8R] JBL 045BE (non-Aquaplas) = 600W@8R MIDRANGE TWEETER HORN: One Mono Amplifier into One [8R] JBL 2435H = 600W@8R LOWER MIDRANGE HORN: One Mono Amplifier into One [16R] Taramps 18" 3K7 = 300W@16R BASSHORN: One Mono Amplifier into One [32R] PD.2150 = 150W@32R NOTE A: - Each M1X Mono Amplifier is factory customized with: - Redesigned for 16R@300W ! - ONLY utilizes top quality metals that are electrical-directionality optimized for perfected electron flow - Outboard PSU with similar chassis - Redesigned heat sinks - Heat dissipation for efficient *performance* (and reliability) - Better quality internal wiring and internal wiring connectors throughout - ES-LINK HDMI only* - Delete ANALOG ES LINK (XLR), IDM-01 (Integrated Discrete Amplifier Module) and FET Input Selector Switches - Revised 'binding posts' into welding plates to facilitate hard wiring Note B: - Only ES Link HDMI Buffer connections for: - Amplifiers (replace ES Link Analog XLR) - Preamplifier/Mixer (replace ALL RCA, ES Link Analog XLR and regular XLR connections) - Master Word Clock (replace SPDIF) - Turntables (replace RCA and XLR) - Network Streamer (replace SPDIF, XLR and RCA) - Custom Esoteric DAW Note C: * Each M1X Playback Amplifier and M1X PSU are housed in Faraday Cage - 4mm thick, SOLID IRON, snap-together, 6-sided, cage atop each HRS rack - Minimal effect on device temperature for continuous operation - NON-scratching to (Rack, Amp, Cables) - 4 Holes for the 4 OEM footers - 1 PAD Power cable - 1 PAD HDMI cable - 1 PAD Speaker cable with Welding Post /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// temporary crossover \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (2) Pass XVR1's require XLR to M1X Amplifiers, which presents huge bottleneck to ordering ALL M1X's with DELETED IDM-01 and FET Input Selector Switches......! . |
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): | . . ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 5-WAY PLAYBACK ARRAY \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Parenthesis quantities on far left are Per Side of system. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ULTRA HIGH FREQUENCY DEVICE DESCRIPTION \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (1) 120 DEGREE HEMISPHERICAL UHF HORN ARRAY CO-DESIGNED BY DDS/ESD www.soundbridge.com/aboutUs.html www.linkedin.com/company/sound-bridge-acoustic-labs www.linkedin.com/in/christopher-cole-306b0a5 www.facebook.com/soundbridgeofficial/photos/pb.100068095424786.-2207520000./356158327746652/?type=3 www.audioxpress.com/article/advanced-engineering-simulation-software HORN BANDWIDTH: 20-60KHz HORN POLAR: TBD HORN DUAL DRIVER EFFICIENCY: 115db/w HORN DESIGN: Dual 60Hx40V horns; ESD phase plug design RFP matched to DDS RFP for UHF horn per my room, and in relation to MF horn characteristic HORN THROAT SIZE: ~0.50" HORN MOUTH SIZE: TBD HORN BOX OUTER DIMENSIONS: XX"H x XX"W x XX"D HORN BOX POSITION: 14'-15'H; Bolted atop midrange horn box with metal micrometer angling rack having forward-rear adjustment HORN & BOX INTEGRALLY MOLDED: Horn (1" Delrin, plus 1" sand cavity, plus 1" Delrin); Box (same) HORN & BOX MATERIAL: Delrin grade TBD HORN & BOX MASS DAMPING: Sand-fillable FEA design for strategic addition of 20LB of mass within cavities behind horn HORN & BOX MASS DAMPING ANTICORROSIVE PAINT: TBD HORN BOX WEIGHT: Two 30LB UHF drivers, one 30LB UHF horn box with sand; 90LB HORN BOX STAND: Not required (2) CUSTOM ESD UHF COMPRESSION DRIVERS MAGNETICS: 2.2T Alnico-3 for Beryllium [OR] 2.3T Alnico-3 for CVD Boron DIAPHRAGM: TAD ET-703 (SXE-503) 35mm 8R with Alumite VC [OR] ESD CVD Boron 35mm 32R with CCG Gold VC DIAPHRAGM SHAPE: Elliptical THROAT EXIT DIAMETER: Approximately 0.50" THROAT EXIT ANGLE: Compliments design requirement for UHF horn design to my room, and in relation to the midrange horn characteristics PHASE PLUG: FEA-optimized, solid CCS Silver [OR] solid CCG Gold expressly designed to couple with the DDS UHF Horn Array System RETURN PATH: FEA-optimized, solid CCS Silver [OR] solid CCG Gold return path throughout driver, via Naturflux. Metal electrical-directionality optimized. WEIGHT: 30LB per driver WELDING PLATE: Two +/- welding plates on each driver near diaphragm; wired in series or parallel WELDING PLATE HEIGHT: (13H' + 2'D) is at 15'H ASSOCIATED COMPONENTS (1) 70"H rack (central position behind UB Array) with one shelf for Mono Amplifier (1) 70"H rack (6' behind aforementioned) with one shelf for Mono Amplifier PSU (1) HDMI cable from one DSP Mono Crossover OUTPUT (single 20KHz+ passband) into one Mono Amplifier INPUT (1) Speaker Cable 10' from Mono Amplifier to two compression drivers in series or parallel (1) Power Cable 20' from Mono Amplifier PSU into a Power Regenerator //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UPPER MIDRANGE DEVICE DESCRIPTION \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (1) CUSTOM DDS MIDRANGE HORN 1.5-90XL PRO [OR] 1-90XL PRO www.ddshorns.com/CFD%202-90XL%20pro.pdf (Note: Needs continuously molded throat extension to 1.50" [OR] 1.00".) HORN BANDWIDTH: 800-20KHz HORN POLAR: TBD HORN EFFICIENCY: 115db/w HORN DESIGN: 1.5-90XL is integrally-molded in Delrin as a single unit with an outside 4-sided box HORN THROAT SIZE: 1.50" for 100mm TAD diaphragm (adds 2"D) [OR] 1.00" for 75mm CVDB diaphragm (adds 4"D) HORN MOUTH SIZE: 28"H x 32"W x (19"D with 2" throat; 21"D with 1.50" throat; 23"D with 1.00" throat) HORN BOX DIMENSIONS: 28"H x 32"W x (19"D + 7"D Driver = 26"D for 2" drivers, 28"D for 1.5" drivers or 30"D for 1" drivers) HORN BOX POSITION: 11-13'H; About 12" horn-lip 'lead' and 23"D directly above Lower Midrange Array on an independent HRS metal stand HORN & BOX INTEGRALLY MOLDED: Horn (2" Delrin, plus 2" sand cavity, plus 1" Delrin); Box (1" Delrin, plus 1" sand cavity, plus 1" Delrin) HORN & BOX MATERIAL: Delrin grade TBD HORN & BOX MASS DAMPING: Sand-fillable FEA design for strategic addition of 50LB of mass within cavity behind horn and within walls HORN & BOX MASS DAMPING CAVITY ANTICORROSIVE PAINT: TBD HORN BOX WEIGHT: One 50LB midrange driver, one 100LB midrange horn enclosure with sand, and one 80LB ultrasonic array with sand; 230LBS HORN BOX STAND: HRS with micrometer angling function (1) CUSTOM ESD MIDRANGE COMPRESSION DRIVER MAGNETICS: 2.2T Alnico-3 for Beryllium [OR] 2.3T Alnico-3 for CVD Boron DIAPHRAGM: TAD DP-4001, 100mm, 16R diaphragm with Copper VC [OR] ESD CVD Boron, 75mm, 32R diaphragm with CCG Gold VC DIAPHRAGM SHAPE: Elliptical THROAT EXIT DIAMETER: 1.50" for DP-4001 [OR] 1.00" for 75mm THROAT EXIT ANGLE: Complimentary to 1.5-90XL [OR] 1-90XL PHASE PLUG: FEA-optimized, solid CCC Copper [OR] solid CCG Gold expressly designed to couple with the exquisite DDS 90XL horn RETURN PATH: FEA-optimized, solid CCC Copper [OR] solid CCG Gold return path throughout driver, via Naturflux. Metal electrical-directionality optimized. WEIGHT: ~ 50LB WELDING PLATE: Two welding plates for +/- near driver diaphragm WELDING PLATE HEIGHT: 12'H ASSOCIATED COMPONENTS: (1) 70"H rack (adjacent to UHF rack to Right) with one shelf for Mono Amplifier (1) 70"H rack (6' behind aforementioned) with one shelf for Mono Amplifier PSU (1) HDMI cable from one DSP Mono Crossover OUTPUT (single 800-20,000Hz passband) into one Mono Amplifier INPUT (1) Speaker Cable 10' from Mono Amplifier into MF Compression Driver (1) Power Cable 20' from Mono Amplifier PSU into a Power Regenerator ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LOWER MIDRANGE DEVICE DESCRIPTION \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (1) CUSTOM DDS 60Hz LOWER MIDRANGE HORNS (DESIGNED FOR TARAMPS 18 3K7) IN A SQUARE ARRAY www.ddshorns.com/BassMid%20DVB%2015H.pdf HORN BANDWIDTH: 200-800Hz HORN POLAR: TBD HORN ARRAY EFFICIENCY: 108db/w HORN DESIGN: FEA by DDS precisely for Taramps 3K7. Similar to DVB-15H. Array molded integrally with 4-sided box and solid continuous motor board. HORN THROAT SIZE: Similar actual throat size to DVB-15H. HORN INTERNAL LENGTH: ~8"D HORN MOUTH INTERIOR: ~ 2'H x 2'W per 3K7 (x 4 units) HORN ARRAY BOX EXTERIOR: ~ 4'H x 4'W x 3'D HORN BOX POSITION: One foot above UB Array edge, at 8'2"H HORN & BOX INTEGRALLY MOLDED: Horn (2" Delrin throughout, plus 3" sand cavity, plus 1" Delrin); Box (1" Delrin, plus 1" sand cavity, plus 1" Delrin) HORN & BOX MATERIAL: Delrin grade TBD HORN MASS DAMPING: FEA design for strategic 100LB of sand in cavities on quad horn flare backside and within integral cabinet walls HORN MASS DAMPING ANTICORROSIVE PAINT: TBD https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nose_cone_design HORN COMPRESSION CHAMBER: Four Textreme DDS mathematically-optimized pressurization chambers that are 2CFt and ~1.5'D HORN CHAMBER WIRING: Purist Dominus (molded in place) from 3K7 welding post, through motor board hole, out to nacelle periphery welding plates HORN WELDING PLATES: Two sets of plates for +/- on rear of common motor board, beside each back chamber (one amplifier per two 3K7's) HORN WELDING PLATE HEIGHTS: Underneath each of the two lower chambers at 8'4"H... HORN BOX WEIGHT: 145LB for four 3K7's, plus 150LB for sand-filled horn enclosure, plus 40LB for chambers; 335LB HORN BOX STAND: HRS custom stand supports at least 335LB; integrated micrometer angle control (4) TARAMPS THUNDERBASS-3K7 18" MIDWOOFER DRIVERS https://www.taramps.com.br/en/produto/18″-thunder-bass-3k7/ MAGNETICS: Outstanding motor design as is. DIAPHRAGM: Omit painted dustcap logo design. VOICECOIL: Taramps OEM Copper 16R. RETURN PATH: Outstanding return path design as is. ASSOCIATED COMPONENTS (2) 70"H racks (adjacent to MF rack and UB rack) with one shelf for each of two Mono Amplifiers (each powering two 3K7's in series) (2) 70"H racks (6' behind aforementioned) with one shelf each for each Mono Amplifier PSU (2) HDMI cables from two DSP Mono Crossover OUTPUTS (twin 200-800Hz passbands) into two LMF Mono Amplifier INPUTS (2) Speaker Cables 10' from two Mono Amplifiers into two 3K7's in series (2) Power Cables 20' from two Mono Amplifier PSU's into a Power Regenerator . |
Speakers: | . ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// UPPER BASS DEVICE DESCRIPTION \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (1) CUSTOM DDS TWIN VERTICAL STRAIGHT 60Hz HORN ARRAY (Designed for TARAMPS-modified PD.2150) HORN BANDWIDTH: 50-200Hz HORN POLAR: TBD HORN ARRAY EFFICIENCY: 116db/w HORN DESIGN: FEA by DDS precisely for PD.2150. Similar to DDS DVB-15N. Horn Array is molded integrally as a 4-sided box with contiguous motor board. HORN THROAT SIZE: Near-full size throat for PD.2150 HORN INTERNAL LENGTH: ~ 24"D HORN MOUTH INTERIOR: 3'H x 3'W per PD.2150 X 2 HORN ARRAY EXTERIOR: 7'2"H x 4'2"W x ~4'D HORN UNDERSIDE: Flat and as large as possible to acoustically couple with bare 1" Delrin floor and concrete HORN RISER: none HORN MOUTH POSITION: About 2' from (inside edge) of each 10-50Hz [Horizontal Lower Bass Array]; mounted on floor at 7'2"H HORN & BOX INTERNALLY MOLDED: Horn (3" Delrin throughout, plus 2" sand cavity, plus 1" Delrin); Box (2" Delrin, plus 2" sand cavity, plus 1" Delrin) HORN MATERIAL: Delrin _ HORN MASS DAMPING: FEA design for strategic 200LB of sand in cavities on dual horn flare backside and within integral cabinet walls HORN MASS DAMPING ANTICORROSIVE PAINT: ____ HORN COMPRESSION CHAMBER: Two Textreme DDS mathematically-optimized pressurization chambers that are 3CFt and ~2'D HORN CHAMBER WIRING: Purist Dominus (molded in place) from PD.2150 welding post, through motor board hole, out to nacelle periphery welding plates HORN WELDING PLATES: Two sets of plates for +/- on rear of common motor board, beside each back chamber (one amp per PD.2150) HORN WELDING PLATE HEIGHTS: ~ 1'H and 4'H HORN WEIGHT: 140LB for two PD.2150, 200LB for molded UB horn, 200LB for sand and 30LB for two nacelles (370LB unloaded; 570LB sand loaded) HORN MOUNTING: Strategically-placed, pretty, molded Delrin flat tabs for bolting into Delrin floor and then concrete (2) (TARAMPS-modified) PD.2150 WOOFER DRIVERS MAGNETICS: TARAMPS redesigns PD.2150 motor like 3K7. Raise BL to get Fs = 25Hz. DIAPHRAGM: Precision Devices recone kit VOICECOIL: Precision Devices recone kits ordered with OEM Copper 32R voicecoils RETURN PATH: TARAMPS redesigns PD.2150 motor and frame like 3K7 ASSOCIATED COMPONENTS (1) Ceiling-suspended curtain behind 4-Way Vertical Array to conceal racks (2) 70"H Racks (adjacent to ......UHF rack to Left) with one shelf for Mono Amplifier (2) 70"H Racks (6' behind aforementioned) with one shelf for Mono Amplifier PSU (2) HDMI cables from two DSP Mono Crossover OUTPUTS (double 50Hz-150Hz passband) into two Mono Amplifier INPUTS (2) Speaker Cables 10' from two Mono Amplifiers into two Mono PD.2150's (2) Power Cable 20' from two Mono Amplifier PSU's into one Power Regenerator /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// LOWER BASS DEVICE DESCRIPTION \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (4) CUSTOM DDS 15Hz J-HORNS IN HORIZONTAL QUAD ARRAY (Designed for TARAMPS PD.2150) HORN BANDWIDTH: 10-50Hz HORN POLAR: TBD HORN ARRAY EFFICIENCY: 119db/w HORN DESIGN: DDS quad mouth J-horn array expressly designed for PD.2150; Four (aesthetically attractive) molded 15Hz J-horns HORN THROAT: Full size throat HORN INTERNAL LENGTH: 8' HORN MOUTH INTERIOR: 4'H x 4'W HORN INDIVIDUAL MOUTH EXTERIOR: 5'2"H x 5'2"W due to 7" material thickness used throughout the LxWxD HORN ARRAY MOUTH EXTERIOR: 5'2"H x 20'8"W HORN HORIZONTAL ARRAY OVERALL: 12'H (i.e., 8'H horn plus 4'H nacelle) x 20'8"W x 6'3"D HORN UNDERSIDE: Flat and as large as possible to acoustically couple with 1" Delrin floor HORN RISER: Integrated additional 1"H HORN MOUTH POSITION: Positioned on floor at 0' - 5'3" overall mouth Height HORN WALL CONSTRUCTION: 4" Delrin along surface of entire horns' length on all sides, plus 2" sand cavity, plus 1" Delrin = 7" wall thickness HORN MATERIAL: Delrin TBD HORN MASS-DAMPING CAVITY: Sand-fillable FEA design for strategic addition of 600LB mass per 15Hz horn within cavity along exterior of entire horn HORN MASS-DAMPING CAVITY ANTICORROSIVE COATING: TBD HORN EXTERNAL ACOUSTIC SIGNATURE: Minimized to adjacent 4-Way Playback Array covering 50Hz - 60KHz HORN COMPRESSION CHAMBER: Four Textreme DDS mathematically-optimized pressurization chambers that are 8CFt and ~4'D HORN CHAMBER WELDING PLATES: Two plates at 8'H for +/- on rear of motor board along outer periphery of nacelle HORN CHAMBER INTERNAL WIRING: Purist Dominus (molded into place) from PD.2150 binding post, through motor board hole, out to nacelle periphery HORN WEIGHT: 70LB for PD.2150, 400LB for J-horn, 30LB for nacelle and 600LB for sand (500LB unloaded; 1100LB loaded, per 15Hz unit) HORN FASTENERS: 15Hz 'modules' attach to others via strategically-placed, molded-Delrin fastener tabs (Note: cut tabs on outer side of outer horns) HORN FLOOR MOUNTS: Each 15Hz horn 'module' has strategically-placed, pretty, molded Delrin flat tabs for bolting into Delrin floor and then concrete (4) TARAMPS-MODIFIED PRECISION DEVICES PD.2150 SUBWOOFER DRIVERS MAGNETICS: TARAMPS redesigns PD.2150 motor like 3K7. Raise BL to get Fs = 25Hz DIAPHRAGM: Precision Devices recone kits VOICECOIL: Precision Devices recone kits with OEM Copper 32R voicecoils RETURN PATH: TARAMPS redesigns motor and frame like 3K7. ASSOCIATED COMPONENTS (4) 70"H Racks (behind LB Array) with one shelf each for each Mono Amplifier (4) 70"H Racks (6' behind aforementioned) with one shelf for each Mono Amplifier PSU (4) HDMI cables from four DSP Mono Crossover OUTPUTS (quadruple 0Hz-50Hz passbands) into four Mono Amplifier INPUTS (4) Speaker Cables 10' from each Mono Amplifier into each PD.2150 (4) Power Cables 20' from four Mono Amplifier PSU's into a Power Regenerator .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. |
Sources: | |
CD Player/DAC: | . PREAMPLIFIER (UNNECESSARY NOW): (1) Esoteric C1X - Replace all RCA, XLR and ES Link Analog XLR's with HDMI Inputs and Outputs - Better quality internal wiring and connectors throughout //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MIXING STATION FRONT END ELECTRONICS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MIXER \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (1) ESOTERIC MIXER (Same technologies as in Esoteric C1X, but with specialized features) * One Digital Volume Control for Mixing Monitor * One Digital Volume Control for Playback System * Seven (Sub-Master) Digital Volume Controls (Faders) for two DAW units, three Phono Preamplifiers and two Microphone Preamplifiers * Outboard Power Supply * Vestax-influenced styling and ergonomics/human factors ASSOCIATED COMPONENTS (2) HDMI cables from OUTPUTS of two DSP Mono Crossovers into two INPUTS of Mixer (2) HDMI cable from OUTPUT of two DAC's (for 2 DAW units) into two INPUTS of MIXER (3) HDMI cables from OUTPUT of three PHONOGRAPH PREAMPLIFIERS into INPUT of MIXER (2) XLR connectors from OUTPUTS of Microphone Preamplifiers into INPUT of MIXER (2) XLR connectors from Headphone Amplifiers to...... (1) Custom HRS MIXING DESK (1) Rack for MIXER Power Supply (1) Power Cable 20' from MIXER Power Supply into a Power Regenerator ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DAC \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (2) ESOTERIC D1X DAC (one for each DAW) * DAC Modifications: * Delete optical, USB, RCA, SPDIF/BNC and ES Link-Analog XLR Inputs and Outputs; replace with all ES Link HDMI * Better quality wiring and internal connections throughout * Outboard Power Supply ASSOCIATED COMPONENTS (2) HDMI cables from two Master Word Clock OUTPUTS into two DAC's INPUTS (2) HDMI cables from two separate DAC's (one for each DAW) OUTPUTS into two of the MIXER's INPUTS (2) Racks with one shelf for each DAC (2) Racks with one shelf for each DAC Power Supply (2) Power Cable 20' from DAC Power Supply into a Power Regenerator //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MASTER WORD CLOCK \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (1) ESOTERIC G1X MASTER WORD CLOCK (with Modifications) * Minimum of seven HDMI Outputs (replace all SPDIF/BNC) * Better quality wiring and internal connectors throughout * Replace all brass connections * Outboard PSU ASSOCIATED COMPONENTS (1) HDMI cable from one Master Word Clock OUTPUT into one DAC INPUT (2) HDMI cables from two Master Word Clock OUTPUTS into two DAW INPUTS (1) HDMI cable from one Master Word Clock OUTPUT into one Network Streamer INPUT (3) HDMI cables from three Master Word Clock OUTPUTS into three Turntable Motor INPUTS (1) Rack with one shelf for Master Word Clock (1) Rack with one shelf for Master Word Clock Power Supply (1) Power Cable 20' from Master Word Clock Power Supply into a Power Regenerator ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// DAW \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (2) ESOTERIC AUDIOPHILE GRADE COMPUTER * Outboard PSU: TBD * Motherboard: TBD * Processor: TBD * RAM: TBD * Network Attached Storage: TBD * RAID: TBD * OS: TBD * Software Suites: TBD ASSOCIATED COMPONENTS (2) HDMI cables from two of the Word Clock OUTPUTS into the two separate DAW's INPUTS (2) HDMI cables from the two separate DAW's OUTPUTS into two of the MIXER's INPUTS (2) HDMI Ethernet Channel cables from Router into each PC Case (2) Racks with one shelf for each PC Case (2) Racks with one shelf for each PC Power Supply (2) Power Cable 20' from each PC Power Supply into a Power Regenerator (2) Adjustable height DESKS for PC Monitor, Keyboard and mouse... (2) Office Chairs //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NETWORK STREAMER \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (1) ESOTERIC N-03T NETWORK STREAMER (with Modifications): * Outboard Power Supply * Better quality wiring and internal connectors throughout ASSOCIATED COMPONENTS (1) HDMI cable from Word Clock OUTPUT into Network Streamer INPUT (2) HDMI Ethernet Channel (HEC) cables from Network Streamer OUTPUTS into two DAW INPUTS (1) Rack for Network Streamer (1) Rack for Network Streamer Power Supply (1) Power Cable 20' from Network Streamer Power Supply into a Power Regenerator ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HEADPHONE AMPLIFIERS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (2) TBD MODEL with outboard Power Supply, but synergistic sonics with Headphones and Monitor Speaker ASSOCIATED COMPONENTS (2) XLR cables from XLR OUTPUTS of Headphone Preamplifiers into two XLR INPUTS of Mixer (2) Power Cables 20' from each Headphone Preamplifier Power Supply into a Power Regenerator ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HEADPHONES \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (2) TBD, but synergistic sonics with Monitor Speaker //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MICROPHONE PREAMPLIFIERS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (2) TBD MODEL with outboard Power Supply ASSOCIATED COMPONENTS (2) XLR cables from XLR OUTPUTS of Microphone Preamplifier into XLR INPUTS of Mixer (2) Power Cables 20' from each Microphone Preamplifier Power Supply into a Power Regenerator ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MICROPHONES \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (2) TBD MODEL ASSOCIATED COMPONENTS (2) XLR cables into XLR INPUTS of (1-2) Microphone Preamplifiers (2) Microphone stands . |
Turntable/Phono Stage: | . ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// PHONOGRAPH PREAMPLIFIERS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (3) ESOTERIC E-02 PHONO PREAMPLIFIER (with Modifications) * Outboard PSU * Upgraded wiring and internal connectors * HDMI Inputs * HDMI Outputs ASSOCIATED COMPONENTS (3) HDMI cables from Phonograph Preamplifiers OUTPUT into MIXER INPUTS (3) 32.5"H racks with one shelf for Phonograph Preamplifiers (3) 32.5"H racks with one shelf for Phonograph Preamplifier PSU's (3) Power Cable 20' from Phonograph Preamplifiers into a Power Regenerator ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TRIPLE TURNTABLE SYSTEM \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (3) ESOTERIC T1 TURNTABLE (with Modifications) * Upgraded wiring and internal connectors * ES Link HDMI Outputs ASSOCIATED COMPONENTS (3) HDMI cables from each Tonearm's OUTPUT into each INPUT of three Phono Preamplifiers (3) HDMI cables from Word Clock OUTPUT into the INPUT of three Turntable Motors (3) 32.5"H racks with 1 shelf for Turntables (+8.25"H) = 40.75"H (3) 32.5"H racks with 1 shelf for Turntable PSU's (3) Power Cables 20' from Turntable PSU's into a Power Regenerator ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TONEARM \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (3) ESOTERIC T1 TA-9D(?) TONEARM ....with 'long' arms ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CARTRIDGE \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (3) TARUYA RED CARTRIDGE ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// RECORD CLEANING MACHINE \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ (1) WALLYTOOLS WALLYSCOPE . |
Other Source(s): | . |
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.: | |
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: | . ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ALL INCLUSIVE LIST OF CABLES REQUIRED IN SYSTEM \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ETHERNET \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PURIST AUDIO DESIGN: DIAMOND REVISION HDMI HEC CABLE TOTAL: 5 HDMI ETHERNET CHANNEL [HEC] CABLING: (2) HDMI HEC 10' cables from two Network Streamer HEC OUTPUTS into two DAW HEC INPUTS (2) HDMI HEC 70' cables from two Router HEC OUTPUTS into two DAW HEC INPUTS (1) HDMI HEC 70' cable from one Router HEC OUTPUT into one Network Streamer HEC INPUT /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HDMI FOR MIXING STATION \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PURIST AUDIO DESIGN: DIAMOND REVISION HDMI HDMI CABLE TOTAL: 20 TURNTABLES: (3) HDMI cables from each of three Tonearm OUTPUTS into each of three Phonograph Preamplifier INPUTS (3) HDMI cables from each of three Phonograph Preamplifier OUTPUTS into three Mixer INPUTS DACS: (2) HDMI cables from two separate DAC's OUTPUTS into two of the Mixer's INPUTS WORD CLOCK: (1) HDMI cable from one Word Clock OUTPUT into one Network Streamer INPUT (2) HDMI cables from two Word Clock OUTPUTS into each of the two DAC's INPUTS (2) HDMI cables from two Word Clock OUTPUTS into two DAW INPUTS (3) HDMI cables from three Word Clock OUTPUTS into each of the three Turntable Motor INPUTS DAW: (2) HDMI cables from the two separate DAW's OUTPUTS into two of the Mixer's INPUTS NETWORK STREAMER: (2) HDMI cables from Network Streamer OUTPUTS into two separate DAC's INPUTS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// HDMI FOR PLAYBACK ARRAY \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PURIST AUDIO DESIGN: DIAMOND REVISION HDMI LEFT AND RIGHT MONO HDMI CABLE TOTAL: 22 (1) HDMI cable [70'] from one DSP Mono Crossover OUTPUT into one Mixer INPUT WITH INDEPENDENT VOLUME CONTROL (1) HDMI cable from one UHF Mono Amplifier OUTPUT into one DSP Mono Crossover INPUT (1) HDMI cable from one MF Mono Amplifier OUTPUT into one DSP Mono Crossover INPUT (2) HDMI cables from two LMF Mono Amplifier OUTPUTS into two DSP Mono Crossover INPUTS (2) HDMI cables from two UB Mono Amplifier OUTPUTS into two DSP Mono Crossover INPUT (4) HDMI cables from four LB Mono Amplifier OUTPUTS into four DSP Mono Crossover INPUTS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////. HDMI FOR MIXING MONITOR \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PURIST AUDIO DESIGN: DIAMOND REVISION HDMI LEFT AND RIGHT MONO HDMI CABLE TOTAL: 10 (1) HDMI cable 70' from one DSP Mono Crossover OUTPUT into one Mixer INPUT WITH INDEPENDENT VOLUME CONTROL (1) HDMI cable from one UHF Mono Amplifier OUTPUT into one DSP Mono Crossover INPUT (1) HDMI cable from one MF Mono Amplifier OUTPUT into one DSP Mono Crossover INPUT (1) HDMI cable from one LMF Mono Amplifier OUTPUT into two one Mono Crossover INPUT (1) HDMI cable from one BASS Mono Amplifier OUTPUT into one DSP Mono Crossover INPUT ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SPEAKER CABLES FOR PLAYBACK ARRAY \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PURIST AUDIO DESIGN: DOMINUS LEFT AND RIGHT MONO SPEAKER CABLE TOTAL: 20 (1) Speaker Cable 10' from UHF Mono Amplifier into compression driver horn (1) Speaker Cable 10' from MF Mono Amplifier into compression driver horn (2) Speaker Cables 10' from LMF Mono Amplifier into mid woofer horn array (2) Speaker Cable 10' from UB Mono Amplifier into upper bass horn array (4) Speaker Cables 10' from LB Mono Amplifier into lower bass horn array ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SPEAKER CABLES FOR MIXING MONITOR \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PURIST AUDIO DESIGN: DOMINUS LEFT AND RIGHT SPEAKER CABLE TOTAL: 8 (1) Speaker Cable 8' from UHF Mono Amplifier into compression driver horn (1) Speaker Cable 8' from MF Mono Amplifier into compression driver horn (1) Speaker Cable 8' from LMF Mono Amplifier into mid woofer horn (1) Speaker Cable 8' from BASS Mono Amplifier into subwoofer horn ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// POWER CABLES FOR PLAYBACK ARRAY \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PURIST AUDIO DESIGN: DIAMOND EDITION DOMINUS LEFT AND RIGHT POWER CABLE TOTAL: 17 (1) Power Cable 20' from each DSP Mono Crossover Power Supply into APS3000+ (10) Power Cable 20' from each Mono Amplifier Power Supply into APS3000+ (6) Power Cable 20' from each APS3000+ into (6) physically separated 30A wall outlets //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// POWER CABLES FOR MIXING MONITOR \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PURIST AUDIO DESIGN: DIAMOND EDITION DOMINUS LEFT AND RIGHT POWER CABLE TOTAL: 10 (1) Power Cable 20' rom each DSP Mono Crossover Power Supply into APS3000+ (4) Power Cables 20' from each Mono Amplifier Power Supply into APS3000+ (5) Power Cable 20' from each APS3000+ into (6) physically separated 30A wall outlets /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// POWER CABLES FOR MIXING STATION \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PURIST AUDIO DESIGN: DIAMOND EDITION DOMINUS LEFT AND RIGHT POWER CABLES TOTAL: 17 (1) Power Cable 20' from one MIXER Power Supply into APS3000+ (3) Power Cable 20' from three Turntable Power Supplies into APS3000+ (3) Power Cable 20' from three Phonograph Preamplifiers Power Supplies into APS3000+ (2) Power Cable 20' from two DAC Power Supplies into APS3000+ (1) Power Cable 20' from one Network Streamer Power Supply into APS3000+ (1) Power Cable 20' from one Word Clock Power Supply into APS3000+ (2) Power Cable 20' from two DAW Power Supplies into APS3000+ (2) Power Cable 20' from two Microphone Preamplifier Power Supplies into APS3000+ (2) Power Cable 20' from two Headphone Amplifier Power Supplies into APS3000+ . |
Other (Power Conditioner, Racks etc.): | . //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ALL INCLUSIVE LIST OF POWER REGENERATORS REQUIRED IN SYSTEM \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// POWER REGENERATION \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ POWER REGENERATORS PER SIDE FOR PLAYBACK ARRAY: LEFT + RIGHT TOTAL: 12 (1) Power Regenerator for two DSP Mono Crossover Power Supplies (1) Power Regenerator for one UHF Mono Amplifier Power Supply and one MF Mono Amplifier Power Supply (1) Power Regenerator for two LMF Array Mono Amplifier Power Supplies (1) Power Regenerator for two UB Array Mono Amplifier Power Supplies (2) Power Regenerators for four LB Array Mono Amplifier Power Supplies +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ POWER REGENERATORS FOR MIXING MONITORS: LEFT + RIGHT TOTAL: 5 (1) Power Regenerator for two DSP Mono Crossover Power Supplies (1) Power Regenerator for two UHF Mono Amplifier Power Supplies (1) Power Regenerator for two MF Mono Amplifier Power Supplies (1) Power Regenerator for two LMF Mono Amplifier Power Supplies (1) Power Regenerator for two LB Mono Amplifier Power Supplies ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ POWER REGENERATORS FOR MIXING STATION: TOTAL: 1 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// ALL INCLUSIVE LIST OF RACKS REQUIRED IN SYSTEM \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// CUSTOM HRS HORN STANDS \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ PLAYBACK 5-WAY HORN ARRAY: CUSTOM HRS STAND FOR 1.5-90XL + SUPERTWEETER: LEFT + RIGHT TOTAL = 2 * DIMENSIONS: * MATERIAL: * PLAYBACK 5-WAY HORN ARRAY: CUSTOM HRS STAND FOR LOWER MIDRANGE ARRAY: LEFT + RIGHT TOTAL = 2 * DIMENSIONS: * MATERIAL: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MIXING MONITOR 4-WAY HORN ARRAY: CUSTOM HRS STAND FOR MIDRANGE + SUPERTWEETER: LEFT + RIGHT TOTAL = 2 * DIMENSIONS: * MATERIAL: MIXING MONITOR 4-WAY HORN ARRAY: CUSTOM HRS STAND LOWER MIDRANGE: LEFT + RIGHT TOTAL = 2 * DIMENSIONS: * MATERIAL: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////. OEM HRS RACKS. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ HRS RACKS PER SIDE FOR BACK END ELECTRONICS OF 5-WAY PLAYBACK ARRAY (70"H): LEFT + RIGHT TOTAL: 50 (1+1) Rack per side for DSP Mono Crossover (1+1) Rack per side for DSP Mono Crossover Power Supply (10+10) Rack per side for Mono Amplifiers (10+10) Rack per side for Mono Amplifier Power Supplies (6) Racks in total for the six Power Regenerators ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HRS RACKS PER SIDE FOR BACK END ELECTRONICS OF 4-WAY MIXING MONITOR (32.5"H): LEFT + RIGHT TOTAL: 25 (1+1) Rack per side for DSP Mono Crossover (1+1) Rack per side for DSP Mono Crossover Power Supply (4+4) Racks per side for Mono Amplifiers (4+4) Racks per side for Mono Amplifier Power Supplies (5) Racks in total for the five Power Regenerators ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ HRS RACKS FOR MIXING STATION (32.5"H): TOTAL: 30 (3) Racks for three Turntables (32.5" + 8.25"H TT = 42.75"H) (3) Racks for three Phonograph Preamplifiers (3) Racks for three Phonograph Preamplifier Power Supplies (2) Racks for two DAC (2) Racks for two DAC Power Supplies (1) Rack for one Network Streamer (1) Rack for one Network Streamer Power Supply (1) Rack for one Word Clock (1) Rack for one Word Clock Power Supply (2) Rack for two ESOTERIC Audiophile DAW Cases (2) Racks for two ESOTERIC Audiophile DAW Power Supplies (2) Racks for two Microphone Preamplifiers (2) Racks for two Microphone Preamplifier Power Supplies (2) Racks for two Headphone Amplifiers (2) Racks for two Headphone Amplifier Power Supplies (1) Rack for the one Power Regenerator . |
Tweaks: | . Custom architecture . |
Room Size (LxWxH): | THE CUBE x THE CUBE x THE CUBE |
Room Comments/Treatments: | . Ure Thrall - "...hOW bLOODY bIZARRE yOU ARE..." (PART 2 OF "wRINKLE wRINKLE lITTLE sCAR...") https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQp7x4asoZ0 . |
Music Preferences and Comments: | |
Music Used (Genre/Selections): | MIB Musicians |
System Goals/Comments: | The Absolute |
System Strengths: | . |
System Weaknesses: | . |
Video/HT System: None | |
Other Interests/Hobbies/Occupation: | Baphomet House 380 Hearst Street, CA 92651 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X57EnniEE-k https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqz4SQCKv_o dw.com/en/gelbensande-royal-hunting-lodge/av-17247739 monster.com/jobs/browse/q-military-jobs |