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Shep's ShepSongs System
IP Address: Last Update: December 23, 2024 at 19:20:11
Amplifier: Linear Tube Audio Z40+ with MM/MC/SUT phono stage
Decware SE84 Zen UFO w/25th Anniversary Mods
Topping LA90 Discrete
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): PS Audio BHK Signature
Speakers: Monitor Audio Silver 500 7G;
DIY Zen open baffles with Lii Audio F-15 full range drivers
CD Player/DAC: Oppo UHP-203 universal disc player with OppoMod I2S output board;
Holo Audio Spring 3 Kitsune edition;
Sonore microRendu streamer
Turntable/Phono Stage: Brinkmann Audio Bardo w/2 arm boards.
SME Series IV.vi & Audiomods Series Six 10.5 tonearms.
Pro-Ject RS2 Phono Box w/Power Box linear power supply.
Soundsmith Zephyr, Hana Umami Blue, Lyra Skala & Ortofon MC Anna cartridges.
Other Source(s): SonicTransporter i7 DSP running Roon core;
Roon & Qobuz streaming
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: Audioquest Cobra XLR Interconnects
Decware ZFOCUS Speaker Cable
Audioquest power cords
Audioquest Diamond I2S/HDMI cable
Audioquest Cinnamon Ethernet cable
Silver Audio BNC digital cable
Wire World Starlight USB
Lifatec Glass Toslink Cable
Other (Power Conditioner, Racks etc.): PS Audio Dectet power conditioner

Tweaks: Boston Audio Design TT Matt 1;
Boston Audio Design TuneBlocks;
Neuance support shelf:
Black Diamond Racing cones.
Room Size (LxWxH): 14' x 11' x 10'
Room Comments/Treatments: GIK Acoustic absorbers and corner bass traps.
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): Classic jazz; Singer/Songwriter; Indie; Popular music from 60s thru current; R&R that I grew up listening to.
System Goals/Comments: Communicate emotion of music.
System Strengths: Bench press 250 lbs. 18 reps!!!
System Weaknesses: The room....always the room.
Video/HT System: None
Other Interests/Hobbies/Occupation: Golf, UGA sports, reading.

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