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Damon's Music and Movie System
Last Update: December 21, 2005 at 14:16:21 IP Address:
Amplifier: B&K AV2500 (bi-amped center channel and surrounds)

(2) Carver A220 (one runs the F6 mids in mains, the other the NHT1259)

B&K ST-140 (tweaked, runs RT1C ribbons in mains)

Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): Marantz AV-550 processor
Speakers: DIY mtm using 2 HiVi Research F6 in ported enclosure and one RT1C tweeter per speaker

DIY NHT 1259 sub in 4 cubic foot sealed enclosure

stereo 3 way active cross over based on Marchand XM-1 boards

Marchand BASSIS integrated into active crossover for sub. Custom notch filters for room correction.

CD Player/DAC: Sony DVPS3000 as transport; heavily modded power supply and internal damping

Theta Cobalt 307 dac (working on J. Tolonen's tubed output stage for this)

Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: Chris VH cat5 speaker cable for tweeters, Ted's Excellent cable on mids

Jon Risch 89259 interconnect
Ted's Excellent Cable interconnect

Other (Power Conditioner, Racks etc.): Jon Risch AC filter (4 independent boards)

35 amp isolation transformer for digital gear and active xover

Marchand XM-1 active crossover (self built)

6' tall flexy rack (see tnt-audio.com)

marble slabs, cones and damping panels on rack for components

inner tube under transport

Tweaks: Damn near everything in the room is heavily tweaked
Room Size (LxWxH): 12 x 15 x 8
Room Comments/Treatments: 3'x2' DIY acoustic treatment behind each speaker made from fiberglass and foam, covered in burlap like fabric
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): Stevie Ray Vaughan (any),

mostly rock and blues

System Goals/Comments: Maximum performance for the $$$. Active crossover was single best improvement other than speaker choice. The sub can wake the neighbors.
System Strengths: Very musical and natural vocals, great image
System Weaknesses: The room is biggest weakness
Video/HT System: Integrated
TV/Projector: Sony 27'
Processor/Receiver/Amplifiers: Marantz AV-550
Speakers (Center, Surrounds, Sub): center channel is a DIY using 2 HiVi F5 and one RT1C tweeter

surrounds have one F5 and RT1C each

sub is DIY NHT 1259 in sealed 4 cubic foot enclosure

Sources (DVD/VCR): Sony DVPS3000

Sony SLV-700HF hifi VCR (this thing is bullet proof!)

Comments on HT System: Very impressed with the sound; especially SRV on dvd!

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