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Racio's Acoustic Heaven System
IP Address: Last Update: June 14, 2008 at 22:49:25
Amplifier: Modded TS Audio KB300 Single-Ended Triode monoblocks (w/ a pair of Sophia "mesh plates" TJ-300B power tubes or VAIC 32B 300B "blue-bottle", Tung-Sol 6SL7 or RCA 5691 as input-driver tubes; Mullard CV378/Raytheon 5R4/RCA 5U4/JAN Sylvania 5U4GT rectifiers; 8 Wpc)
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): Audio Note (M7) preamp kit (linestage: 2x Telefunken ECC802S; depending on my listening mood, I often tuberoll to other 12AU7 equivalents such as Tung-Sol 5814A/RCA "cleartops" 12AU7/Telefunken "smooth plates" ECC82/Amperex "orange globe" 12AU7/JAN-Philips 12AU7/Sylvania 5814A/RCA 5963 "black plates"/GE 6189 "5 stars"/Trigon ECC82 or Mullard 4003 "box plates"; Mullard-Bendix 5852/6X5GT rectifier.)
Speakers: Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage (6 ohms, 87 dB, s/n 1014); and a Sonus Faber Gravis subwoofer (1 10" forward firing driver and 2 10" passive radiators, 300watts)
CD Player/DAC: Shanling SCD-T200 SACD/CD valved output player. (w/ 2 pairs of Westrex 396A or Raytheon/GE/Sylvania/Los Gatos 5670)
Turntable/Phono Stage: Oracle Delphi MkIV (modified) with a ClearAudio Unify unipivot tonearm and a ClearAudio Virtuoso "Wood" MM cart; Lehmann Black Cube MM/MC phono stage.
Other Source(s): n/a
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: Van den Hul "Revelation" (5 awg), DIY silver cables and magnet wires braided in Teflon sleeves, pure silver strands (30 awg) as speaker jumpers.
Other (Power Conditioner, Racks etc.): Hewlett-Packard 5KVA isolation transformer, Z-Line power conditioner, DIY silver/copper power cords, a pair of Quiet Line filters, Radio Shack RF filters, Lovan "Classic" wood/metal audio rack, a pair of DIY marble rack (4 layers) on concrete brick stands.
Tweaks: Hal-o tube dampers, aluminum cone feet, sorbothane feet, marble slabs, 2" thick New Zealand Pine platforms, DIY bass trap, bookshelves as diffusors, cloth partitions as sonic absorbers etc. etc.
Room Size (LxWxH): 25' x 15' x 11'
Room Comments/Treatments: Originally my family's library, now coverted into a listening room. Two 8'x7' book cabinets are situated at each end of the room and serves as sound diffusors. Folding cloth/wood frame dividers are placed along the side walls to reduce resonance and standing waves. Installed perforated foam tiles on ceiling/walls and placed 6' tall plants at the corners to further minimize flutter echo. 6'x9' thick wool-like carpet in between listening chair and speakers to absorb sound reflections.
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): Everything from Bossa to Wave, Astrud to Vivaldi, Sinatra to Santana, so on and so forth.
System Goals/Comments: So much music... but so li'l time... ;)
System Strengths: Sorry, but I tend forget about all those audiophile jargons whenever I listen to this system. ;)
System Weaknesses: Room's natural acoustics due to its irregular shape.
Video/HT System: Integrated
TV/Projector: Panasonic TH-42PV70MT 42" Plasma Screen
Sources (DVD/VCR): Pioneer DV-400V DVD Player with 1080p upscaling
Comments on HT System: Plain and incomplete.
Other Interests/Hobbies/Occupation: Occupation: Civil Works Constructor / BSCE

Interests/Hobbies: Scuderia Ferrari fanatic, film photography (Canon SLR), and 10-pin bowling.

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