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Atexanathome's eBay Bonanza System
IP Address: Last Update: April 05, 2020 at 18:26:49
Amplifier: Odyssey Stratos Xtreme monoblocks; 300watts/channel; 120 amp peak current
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): DB Systems DBR-15B (recently factory refurbished) and DB-2A power supply
Speakers: Joseph Audio RM33Si, 3-way towers; 83 dB/W sensitivity, down -6db @25 Hz Hz
CD Player/DAC: Oppo BDP-95
Turntable/Phono Stage: NAD 533 turntable with acrylic platter, Deepgroove aluminum subplatter, sapphire bearing and Rega P25 motor upgrades, Rega reference belt; Lyra Helikon moving coil;Rega RB700 arm, Extremephono Speed graphite mat; Heed Orbit power supply, Verion Mk1 stepup transformer
Other Source(s): Nakamichi CR-1A cassette deck
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: Original Monster speaker cable (12 gauge zip type), Bluejeans Belden 1505F interconnects
Other (Power Conditioner, Racks etc.): Equitech Son of Q balanced power transformer
Tweaks: Odyssey monoblock makes a sturdy vibration isolator for the turntable;Extremephono platter mat; Heed Orbit 1 power supply for turntable
Room Size (LxWxH): 11.5' x 11.5' x 8'
Room Comments/Treatments: Terrible room for bass peaks, started out with +18 dB peak at 50 Hz; added two 18"X48" Echo Busters between the speakers to tame echo; added a GIK Super Bass Panel and a GIK 244 bass panel behind the chair and four GIK corner traps in the corners behind the speakers; bass peaks tamed, it's a lot better
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): Baroque (mainly Bach); Classical; organ and harpsichord; classic rock (mainly The Who and Pink Floyd)
System Goals/Comments: Imaging is my Holy Grail; good bass for organ music is next. I want to duplicate the sound of organ recitals I attended at Texas Tech. Took a long time to acquire all the components, put in balanced power and adjust cables for minimum noise, but this is a great system for the price; I paid less than half retail for most of it by going to eBay and Audiogon.
System Strengths: Imaging is very good; soundstage depth is better than my Infinity Interlude 40's; the speakers really disappear on good material;speakers are really full range, only 10 dB down at 20 Hz ; speakers really look good and are small enough to fit the small room; Lyra Helikon works great with the rest of the system

Dedicating listening room has low noise floor
System Weaknesses: Odyssey amps are not the quietest,but it's no big problem with these speakers; soundstage is not as incredibly wide as with Infinity Interlude 40's;speakers are insensitive;
Video/HT System: None
Other Interests/Hobbies/Occupation: Deer and hog hunting; benchrest shooting ( this explains why the Stereophile CD 2 indicates I have little hearing above 16 kHz, I'm fine up to 10 kHz, though)

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