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Atti's Musical Box 1 System
IP Address: Last Update: May 19, 2022 at 08:37:19
Amplifier: Lectron JH 50 (Quad ESL 63)
Berendsen ES 60 Red Edition (Gradient SW 63)
Drop THX 789 AAA (Beyer DT 990 Symmetric)
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): Berendsen MPR1+PSU1 Red Edition
Gradient Crossover with tweaking
Speakers: Electrostatics: Quad ESL 63
Subwoofer: Gradient SW 63
Headphones: Beyer DT 990
CD Player/DAC: Marantz CD
Turntable/Phono Stage: Thorens TD521BC
Transrotor/SME3500 12"(=improved SME312)
Ortofon Quintet Black S
MC-Stage: Berendsen PPR1 Red Edition
Other Source(s): Turntable: Thorens TD 166 MK II with Schopper TP63 and Denon DL 103 (via Project phono pre)
Tuner: Kenwood KT 1100
Tape: Nakamichi LX3
DAT: Sony TCD-D8
MP3: Apple IPod Classic via Marantz CD
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: Amp-Interconnects: Sun wire reference
Speaker: Van den Hul CS 122
CD: Straight Wire Symphony II
Other: Various Cordial and Cheapo cables
Room Size (LxWxH): 6,3m x 5,2m x 3,65m
Room Comments/Treatments: none until now
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): Jazz, Avantgarde, Classical music, Rock'n'Roll
System Goals/Comments: Made for music reproduction, not for continuous tweaking!
System Strengths: Neutrality and reliability
System Weaknesses: none!
Video/HT System: Separate
TV/Projector: LG OLED 77"
Processor/Receiver/Amplifiers: Denon AVR-X 3600 H
Speakers (Center, Surrounds, Sub): Quad 11L2 (Main and Rear)
Quad L Sub (Subwoofer)
Quad L Center
Sources (DVD/VCR): Sony UBP-X 800 Blue Ray Player
Other Interests/Hobbies/Occupation: Piano Playing
Fashion, Food, Health, Fitness

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