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speakerdude's DJ speakers & HT System
Last Update: April 04, 2003 at 18:56:22 IP Address:
Amplifier: 2 mackie 1400's
1 mackie 2600
1 Sansui AU-717
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): Behringer CX3400 active crossover
Behringer Ultramizer pro DSP1400P
Speakers: 2 Eminence 18 inch kilomax subs in 9 cubic foot ported boxes. (1250 watts RMS each, F3 29Hz). I used Bass Box 5.0 to design the enclosures for these. I power them with a Mackie 2600 watt amplifier bridged to drive both of these.

2, 9.5 cubic foot boxes with Dayton 18” woofers (7mm Xmax, F3 of 26 Hz, 350 watts RMS), and monarch horn tweeters crossed over at 2Khz. I built these my freshman year of high school (1998) using Bass Box 5.0 and X-over 2.0 to design them. Their low-end bass response below 30Hz is about the best that I have heard out of 18” woofers that cost $130.00 new. The only thing I would change now is the crossover design. Now that I have access to LEAP and CALSOD, I can make much better crossovers then before. I power theses with Mackie 1400 watt amplifiers. I am selling theses to fund my new speaker project:

2 full range speakers (not complete) each with: 2 Eminence Kappa pro 15LF woofers(already have). I still need some 2” exit compression drivers that don’t cost an arm and a leg, but still perform well. The selenium D3300Ti compression driver looks nice, but way too expensive, and I’m skeptical of how it will work with a different horn.) As of right now I am leaning toward a two way design, but three way is also tempting. Once I make a decision on what compression driver and horn to use, I will use LEAP and CALSOD to design passive crossovers for them.

CD Player/DAC: sony 5 disc changer
Other Source(s): sound card: soundblaster live value
Toshiba DVD player (MP3's and DVD audio)
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: 12 gauge speaker cable, XLR interconnects
Other (Power Conditioner, Racks etc.): Generic serge protectors and a custom built rack
Room Comments/Treatments: sound absorbing foam pads on some walls in my basement
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): I enjoy any well recorded music.
System Goals/Comments: PA / live sound / DJ speakers: I built this system because I like to design and build speakers. Normally it is set up in my basement, and used for my personal enjoyment. I also use it at parties and family events.

Home Theater: My goal is to have a separate theater / music listening room. I built the Dayton III’s for this room because they sound really nice, and didn’t cost too much ($100.00 per speaker) My plan is to have almost all the components for a really nice home theater / listening room by the time I graduate.

System Strengths: I’ll comment on it once I finish the new speakers
System Weaknesses: I’ll comment on it once I finish the new speakers
Video/HT System: Separate
TV/Projector: currently, just a standard 27" CRT
I want an INFOCUS screenplay projector or something similar, but cant afford it now
Processor/Receiver/Amplifiers: currently none
i am considering several denon models
Speakers (Center, Surrounds, Sub): 5 Dayton III MTM’s painted gloss black.
2 Dayton 12 inch DVC’s in 3 cubic foot ported boxes painted gloss black.
Sources (DVD/VCR): Toshiba progressive scan DVD player
Other HT Gear: more coming soon!
Comments on HT System: im slowly collecting components for it. (still under construction)
Other Interests/Hobbies/Occupation: I am an electrical engineering major at northern Illinois University. During the summer I work as an electronic technician for General Dynamics Intellitec. I like to design and build speakers and other electronic gadgets in my free time

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