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hemholtz 's home System
IP Address: Last Update: January 24, 2012 at 15:30:06
Amplifier: (2)eAR two 500wpc stereo ice power amps. one channel on each mid/twt

(2) crown k2 mono per channel for tympani panels and 3.5/r woofers
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): DEQX PDC2.6 w/digital out, DEQX HDP Express
Speakers: mg3.5r, tympani IVa woofers, 2 gr research open baffle subs
Other Source(s): m audio firewire 410 external sound card
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: goertz speaker wire ag2 on top mi3 on bottom. goerts tq2 interconnects beginning to end. main speakers internally wired with goertz mi1.
Tweaks: goertz internal wiring on 3.5r. dedicated 30a circuit with isolated ground. lead shot filled mye stands.
Room Size (LxWxH): very x odd x shaped
Room Comments/Treatments: auralex tfusors on wall behind maggies toward outside. absorbing foam behind on inside. back wall behind listening position treated with absorbing foam. phantom acoustics shadow active bass absorbers in 2 problem corners. where possible corner foam absorbers. .0000000000001 waf!
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): mostly pop/rock some big band and jazz anything recorded well.
System Goals/Comments: striving for perfection. i think i'm alot closer than i thought i could get with a pair of used maggies.
System Strengths: good imaging, even bass response with surprising slam. very natural sounding vocals and midrange thanks to the deqx.
System Weaknesses: probably my ears one of these days
Video/HT System: None

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