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M. Lucky's Ol' cranky System
Last Update: February 17, 2005 at 10:58:18 IP Address:
Amplifier: A good ol' Dynaco ST-70 with Curcio mod on the driver board, rebuilt power supply, standard upgrades to input/outputs. Tubes--usually use 'C' label Svetlana EL34s, though I have some old Mullards I plug in for special occasions. Driver board runs Siemens gold pin 6922's. Mullard GZ34 rectifier.
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): Bottlehead Foreplay kit, upgraded with auricaps, stepped atenuators, C4S boards, DC filament heater, and various other little tweaks. Use a variety of 12au7 tube types, but lately have been using a nice pair of RCA clear tops. Also like Amperex PQ 7316's, RCA blackplate 5963's and 5814a's.
Speakers: Klipsch Fortes
CD Player/DAC: arcam 72
Turntable/Phono Stage: Sumiko Project with an AT cartridge. Antique Soundlab preamp modified with auricaps and NOS Tesla E188CC's.
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: Soundlab Analog2 connecs; HT Pro-11 cables.
Room Size (LxWxH): 40' x 1' x 11''
Room Comments/Treatments: It's pretty narrow.
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): Classical, jazz, soul, blues, some old rock, a little of the new stuff the kids listen to these days, some opera, a little bluegrass/trad country.
System Goals/Comments: Ultramegastereophonicidociousness.
System Strengths: This is one of those 'not bad for the price' systems. Nice warm, classic tube sound, pretty good detail and image, nothing spectacular by audiophile standards but good enough to impress my 'normal' friends.
System Weaknesses: Difficult to get the proper volume level sometimes, as is common with Foreplays. Fortes can get a bit shouty.
Video/HT System: None
URL Link: http://www.ifp.org/common/viewphoto.php?id=3991
Other Interests/Hobbies/Occupation: Beer, baseball, bikes, all that.

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