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Andrejs's Linnie System
IP Address: Last Update: May 04, 2010 at 12:00:32
Amplifier: 2 x Linn Klimax Twin Chakra

4 x Linn Klimax 500 Solo
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): Linn Klimax Kontrol
Speakers: Linn Komri
CD Player/DAC: Linn Sondek CD12
Turntable/Phono Stage: SME30 + SME Series V(Kondo Silver Internal Wiring)Kondo KSL Cable + Clearaudio Goldfinger

Linn Linto phono stage
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: Linn Silver Interconnects

Tweaks: None
Room Size (LxWxH): 18ft x 10ft x 7'6
Room Comments/Treatments: Room has solid concrete floor, quarry tiles now covered in carpet tiles.
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): Classical(Instrumental-chamber-orchestral)

Jazz(Acoustic)Developing interest
System Goals/Comments: Looking for a clarity and trueness to the original source as possible-who isn't?!

System Strengths: Wide bandwidth-especially from big orchestral works, a sublime even balance with no forced tones, total naturalness of delivery.
System Weaknesses: No serious weaknesses, although I'm open to hearing new sonorities from alternative options although I haven't heard anything significantly better-at hi-fi shows, dealers etc Different yes, but better?....
Video/HT System: Separate
Other Interests/Hobbies/Occupation: Late starting pianist-lapsed classical guitarist, although still full time professional involvement.

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