Audio Asylum Inmate Seano's Main System System

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Seano's Main System System
Last Update: April 20, 2001 at 16:51:54 IP Address:
Amplifier: B&K Reference 7250 - 200wpc into 8ohms
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): B&K Ref20 (Great piece musically as well as loaded with features for HT)
Speakers: Maggie MMG's
CD Player/DAC: Rotel RDV-985 DVD Player

Cal Labs Icon MK II

Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: Tara Labs RSC Reference Speaker Cables

Tara Labs RSC Prime Interconnects (interconnects & cables are awesome!)

MIT SLinQ S-Video Cables + Tos Link

Other (Power Conditioner, Racks etc.): Niles IPC 12 Power Conditioner

Salamander Rack & amp stand

Tweaks: Speakers sit near vertical (about 2 degrees backward lean) on custom stands
Room Size (LxWxH): 21'3 x 24' x 8'9
Room Comments/Treatments: Difficult placement due to fireplace, furniture & the fact that this system is for music + home theater (i.e. need the tv between the front mains). The MMG's still shine!
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): Acoustic (& live) Rock - i.e. Eric Clapton

Adult Alternative - i.e. REM

Contemporary Jazz - i.e. Diana Krall

Classical (occasionally)

System Goals/Comments: Would like eventually move up to 1.6's. I think I'll also upgrade CD transport once more of the SACD / DVD-Audio debates have settled down.
System Strengths: MMG's, B&K Ref20, HSU Research sub & cables/interconnects
System Weaknesses:
Video/HT System: Integrated
TV/Projector: Sony 32"
Processor/Receiver/Amplifiers: B&K Ref20 + Reference 7250
Speakers (Center, Surrounds, Sub):

HSU Research TN1220HO (w/500 watt HSU amp)

B&W DM302 Surrounds

Sources (DVD/VCR): Sony HiFi VCR

Rotel DVD (above)

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