Laz's Small, But Perfectly Formed System
Last Update: October 31, 2000 at 08:06:06
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Amplifier: | Pathos Acoustics Classic One hybrid (tube/SS) integrated with Amperex Golden Globe 6GM8 tubes
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): | None
Speakers: | ProAc Response 1SC on Foundation Classic II stands, which are mass-loaded and spiked
CD Player/DAC: | CAL Delta transport and Bel Canto DAC-1 |
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: | Harmonic Technology Cyberlink Platinum digital cable, Harmonic Technology ProSilway MkII ICs, Harmonic Technology Pro9+ biwire speaker cables, Harmonic Technology ProAC11 Power Cords to front end, Siltech STO 12MF power cord for amp |
Other (Power Conditioner, Racks etc.): | DIY suspense rack, Change Lightspeed power conditioner |
Tweaks: | DIY rollerblocks under transport and amp, maple slab on top of transport for mass loading, Audioprism Isobearings under DAC, speaker cables suspended on plastic cups, sponges used for cable spacing, Vibrapods under speakers |
Room Size (LxWxH): | 13 x 8 x 10 |
Room Comments/Treatments: | carpeted floor, DIY acoustic absorbtion panels on side walls |
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): | Jazz, Vocals, Classical, Blues, Ska, Acoustic, Bluegrass, Rock - you name it! |
System Goals/Comments: | Musicality is the ultimate goal - everything else (transparency, dynamics, imaging, soundstage) is just a means to an end |
System Strengths: | Musicality, transparency, imaging, lateral soundstage |
System Weaknesses: | missing extreme lower frequencies |
Video/HT System:
None |