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Adam O's Partial History (ongoing) System | |
IP Address: | Last Update: February 29, 2020 at 22:34:34 |
Amplifier: | NAD 3020 > Amber Series 70 > Sound Values VTA 70 > McCormack DNA .5 Deluxe Rev. B > Berning EA-230 > Pass Aleph 3 > Music Reference RM-200 with Tesla (KR version) or Valve Art or Svetlana KT88's > Plinius 8200 Mk II > modified Threshold T-100 pure Class A > modified Hafler 9505 Transnova > Spectron Musician II > Coda S12 > Vincent SV-236 integrated amp with Genalex Gold Lion ECC83/B759/12AX7 tubes (two with Herbie's UltraSonic RX O-rings and one with a TopHat tube damper) and HiFi Tuning fuses > Exposure 2010S2 integrated/Antique Sound Lab MG Head DT tube headphone amp with Svetlana 12AX7 and Ei tubes > Sugden Bijou Headmaster preamp/headphone amp > CI Audio VHP-2 headphone amp > PS Audio GCHP headphone amp > Ray Samuels Emmeline II Raptor OTL headphone amp > current system |
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): | NAD 3020 (preamp out) > Sound Values VTP 100 > Conrad Johnson PV10L > Sonic Frontiers Line 2 with Amperex 7308PQ's or Siemens ECC88's > Sugden Bijou Headmaster preamp/headphone amp > modified Forte F-44 Class A > modified Acurus RL-11 > Coda FET Control Buffer 05r (modified by Lou Skimming with Blackgates, RTX Multicaps, Stealth diodes) > current system |
Speakers: | Advent > Rectilinear III Highboys > AR-LST's > Vandersteen 2b's > Genesis III > Von Schweikert Ver. 4 Gen II > Yamaha NS1000M > Tyler Acoustic Linbrook Signature Monitors > Meadowlark Heron i's with Bybee filters > Vienna Acoustics Beethovens modified with Scan Speak 'little Revelator' tweeters > Wharfedale Opus 2's > current system |
Sources: | |
CD Player/DAC: | Rotel 855 > Sony 801ES > CAL Delta-Alpha 24/96 > Sony SCD-C333ES with Dan Wright's Level 1 and Level II mods, Audiocom Superclock with upgraded modified LC Audio power supply, and five Bybee filters > Theta Basic II-Perpetual Technologies P3A Signature + DAC (with Dan Wright's Level I and II modifications)/Perpetual Technologies P1A > Marantz SA-14 > Toshiba 3050 > Pioneer 563A > Arcam CD73t > Sony 9000ES > Esound CD-E5 Signature Edition CD player > Onkyo SP1000 universl player > PS Audio Digital Link III DAC w/Cullen Stage 4 mods > current system |
Turntable/Phono Stage: | Denon (direct drive) > Rega Planar 3 > SOTA Sapphire > perfect sound forever :-) |
Other Source(s): | DMX digital radio run through the P3A, Plexwriter 12/4/32 for recording CD's on my home brewed PC > Plextor Premium > current system |
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.: | |
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: | Kimber 4pr > Audioquest Midnight > Harmonic Tech Pro 11+ > Harmonic Tech Pro 9+ > Analysis Plus Silver Oval > Acoustic Zen Satori Bi-wired Shotguns > Analysis Plus Solo Crystal Oval 8's > T.G. Audio Lab HSR silver speaker cables/Kimber PBJ > Luminous Audio Technology Synchestra Signatures, Coincident Speaker Technology CST-IC interconnects, Pure Silver Sound Quartets, Analysis Plus Solo Crystal > Wireworld Gold Eclipse 3+ silver, Cardas Golden Cross, Discovery Essence/Acoustic Zen MC2=Zen AES/EBU; Music Metre Fidelus RCA; Canare DigiFlex Gold II for DMX to DAC/TG Audio HSRa Gen II and HSRi Gen II's, Harmonic Tech AC11's, and Audioquest AC15 Special Edition power cords, Harmonic Tech AC adaptor for digital box > current system |
Other (Power Conditioner, Racks etc.): | Monolithic P3 power supply for Perpetual Technologies gear, Jon Risch JR Power Source power filter-surge protector, Monster Power HTS 2000 line conditioner-filter, PS Audio Extreme Plus power cables > current system |
Tweaks: | Audio Point cones under speakers, Audio Prism Wave Guide and Quiet Lines, Vibrapods, Shakti Stone, VPI bricks, Sorbothane, Cardas caps, ferrite clamps, Purist Audio Design CD system enhancer, tube rolling with spare Svetlanas, EI's (Yugo), Mullards, Amperex, etc. > current system |
Room Size (LxWxH): | 28 x 12 x 10 |
Room Comments/Treatments: | A 'great room' with wood floor and wood ceiling, six windows, two ceiling fans, two doors open to a hall, one door to the kitchen |
Music Preferences and Comments: | |
Music Used (Genre/Selections): | Great Standards (Sinatra to Steve Tyrell, Ella to Diana Krall), Carla Bruni genre, Big Band, Jazz, Indie, Beatles, light rock, etc. |
System Goals/Comments: | Natural and musical reproduction, wide and deep soundstage, quick and dynamic, minimal listener fatigue, tight bass, textured midrange, smooth highs |
System Strengths: | Highly 'musical' and full-sounding system; smooth and balanced, yet exceptionally dynamic, revealing, and quick with tight bass; non-fatiguing, yet quick to reveal changes upstream; does piano, sax, and acoustic guitars quite well (important to me); attractive speakers with relatively small footprint. |
System Weaknesses: | Lacks a dedicated line and dedicated listening room, less than desireable WAF :-) |
Video/HT System: Integrated | |
TV/Projector: | Westinghouse 46" HD TV |
Sources (DVD/VCR): | Sony DVP-NS700P DVD player with digital output connected to P3A DAC/JVC 7900 SVHS VCR > current system |
Other HT Gear: | None |
Other Interests/Hobbies/Occupation: | Reading, computers (building to browsing), pets, jogging, walking |