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scottiesharpe's Vintage Dynaco System Project System Welcome!
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scottiesharpe's Vintage Dynaco System Project System
Last Update: March 09, 2005 at 22:24:01 IP Address:
Amplifier: Dynaco Stereo 70
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): none yet
Speakers: Dynaco A25
CD Player/DAC: Portable Sony walkman type for now....
Turntable/Phono Stage: Once I find a Dynaco PAS3, I will use the AR AX for this super vintage kit.
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: zip cord
standard interconnects
Tweaks: Speakers are on Furniture works stands.
Room Size (LxWxH): 13 x 15 x 8.5
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): Anything live sounding. Two channel jazz, classical, stuff like that.
System Goals/Comments: I am shooting for a vintage Dynaco all tube rig. Looking to find a Dynaco PAS3 and maybe a tuner to complete the kit.
System Strengths: Sound is so incredibly smooth. Very good imaging.
System Weaknesses: Not loud. No low bass.
Video/HT System: None
URL Link: http://www.scottiesharpe.com/stereo/CIMG0002.JPG

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