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Werner's bedroom System
IP Address: Last Update: June 06, 2010 at 03:47:01
Amplifier: Denon UD-M31 CD-receiver
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): -
Speakers: Rogers LS-1
CD Player/DAC: Denon UD-M31 CD-receiver
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: Speaker cable recuperated from a lawnmower.
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): -
System Goals/Comments: System goal was to get my hands on that cute Denon system. Just for the sake of owning it. It has been in my oldest son's bedroom ever since he turned 2.

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System Strengths: -
System Weaknesses: -
Video/HT System: None
URL Link: http://www.angelfire.com/music5/michell_gyrodec/

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