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dave c's System's have names???? System
IP Address: Last Update: December 11, 2009 at 04:01:03
Amplifier: Quicksilver Mini Mite Monoblocks. An absolute delight to own.
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): Audio Alchemy DLC with Powerstation 2.
Bought off eBay and in very very good condition.
Speakers: Revel M22. Small in size, big in stature! Also I got them cheap!
CD Player/DAC: Oppo 980H awaiting some tweaking. Just replacing the power lead had a good effect and I am seriously impressed by such an el cheapo player.
Other Source(s): A Squeezebox Duet has become the default player. Set to RANDOM and played through a Cambridge DacMagic.
Jukebox heaven!
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: Kimber Select KS 3033; enough said.
Silverlink silver(!)i/cs from Osborn Loudspeakers; made in Oz.
Other (Power Conditioner, Racks etc.): I use the larger Lack coffee tables.
Power cables all made by Dave at Caxton Audio here in Brisbane.
Tweaks: Basalt platforms for the monoblocks. I also have a varying range of Ceraballs, some of Herbie's wooden balls and soft cups, and some fabulous brass cones with carbon fibre footers I got in England and can't remember the make of. And Vibrapods under the power conditioners.
VDH The Solution contact enhancer.
Room Size (LxWxH): 6 metres x 4 metres x 3.00 metres
Room Comments/Treatments: None at present as I am renovating
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): My oldest friend says I have music to annoy all tastes. As I head deeper into middle age I am finding more time for 'classical' music, including that oddly named contemporary classical! But jazz, ambient, arty pop, dub electronica, early music. Preferably all at once.
System Goals/Comments: If I want to improve things and no one donates me a pair of Avant Garde horns, then it will only really be in terms of the ambience the sound has in the room.
System Strengths: Very easy to listen to for hours. Incredible large scale sound but with tiny detail.
System Weaknesses: Very vaguely bass light but that's all.
Video/HT System: None
Other Interests/Hobbies/Occupation: music, architecture and design, crime fiction, gardening, food and drink. Women. Cats.

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