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AbeCollins's Old Office Setup System
IP Address: Last Update: January 30, 2025 at 11:38:16
Amplifier: This WAS my office listening setup but the photos haven't been updated in ages. In fact, my wife now has this office space since my system and office are now in the basement.

- Ayre AX-7e Solid-State Integrated Amp ~60wpc
- Yamaha A-S1100 Solid-State Integrated Amp ~90wpc
- Rogue Cronus Magnum Tube Integrated Amp ~100wpc
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): - NA
Speakers: - Tannoy Definition D500: Mfg recommended 30 to 175w RMS. 6 Ohm nom, 4 Ohm min, 91db/m/w sensitivity, 8" dual concentric mid driver (brass tweeter in center), 8" bass driver. Crossover type: 1st order LF, 1st order HF.
- Grado RS1e headphones when I'm in the mood.
CD Player/DAC: Main Source components:
- Mac Mini (2012) i7 quad-core 2.6GHz, 16GB RAM, SSD & HDD
- 12VDC 10 Amp Linear Power Supply for Mac Mini
- Roon for local playback as well as remote streaming
- Synology NAS in basement with Roon installed
- PS Audio NuWave DSD DAC
- Mytek Digital Stereo192-DSD DAC
- Wyred4Sound DAC2-DSD DAC
- Schiit Asgard 2 headphone amp
- iPad Mini 4 with Roon Remote App touch screen remote control
Other Source(s): - Sonore microRendu network streamer in basement setup
- Raspberry Pi DietPi network streamer
- Raspberry Pi DietPi streamer in garage
- AppleTV in family room and bedroom for streaming music, videos, movies
- Amazon Fire TV Stick (HDMI) in family room for streaming music, videos, movies
- Sony UH-PH1 Premium Blu-ray/DVD/CD/SACD/USB player
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: - DH Labs Air Matrix Interconnects
- Analysis Plus Oval 9 Speaker Cables
Room Size (LxWxH): 10-ft x 12-ft x 10-ft Home Office
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): - Rock, classic rock, punk, alternative, blues, pop
- Jazz, some country / cross-over
- Americana / Folk / 60's Protest Music
System Goals/Comments: - Robust and musical enjoyment in my office setup
System Strengths: - Plays music
System Weaknesses: - Small room compared to the basement setup
Video/HT System: None
Other HT Gear: Home office setup 2017. Pretty much the way it was except for electronics I enjoyed swapping.

Mac Mini i7 Quad Core, PS Audio NuWave DSD DAC, iPad Mini 4, Roon + Tidal, Ayre AX-7e Integrated

The 91dB 6 Ohm nom. Tannoy Definition D500 speakers.

The Rogue Integrated is far better sounding than the light weight 2x the price ARC

Not all, but some other goodies I've played with over the years.

Rogue Cronus Magnum. Wyred4Sound DAC. Yamaha A-S1100 Integrated

Mac Mini and bench linear power supply test setup.

The Mac Mini draws about 6 Watts idle, and up to 10 to 12 Watts playing music. Very efficient.

The Mytek Digital Stereo192-DSD DAC wasn't very impressive. Thin and lean sounding. Sold it.

iPad Mini 4 as remote control is normally with me in the basement listening setup.

TEAC DAC was bass-heavy but otherwise not very transparent. Sold it. NAS is now in the basement.

Tinkering with Raspberry Pi + audio add-ons. DietPi OS, Digione SPDIF card, Roon Bridge.

The PS Audio NuWave DSD DAC is a keeper. Preferred it slightly over the Ayre QB-9 DSD DAC.

Select a Zone or Zones on the iPad Roon Remote App for Roon playback.

Where do I want Roon to send the music: Raspberry Pi streamer & BOSS DAC in the garage. Raspberry Pi streamer SPDIF output in my office. Mac Mini USB Direct to DAC. microRendu streamer in the basement. Or several locations at once playing the same tune in sync or different tunes.

Some older misc links and video clips:

YouTube Video Of My Old Listening Room

QuickTime Video of my old Room

QuickTime Video of the Turntable

Another one of my hobbies

On the Dynomometer

Most recent Dyno results

YouTube Video on the Dyno

Other Interests/Hobbies/Occupation: RETIRED 2022: Oracle, Sun Microsystems, Silicon Graphics, Seiko Robotics, Efratom

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