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vintageaudiolover's main system System
Last Update: November 18, 2006 at 20:21:25 IP Address:
Amplifier: pioneer sx 650 35 wpc harman kardon 330 nocturne 15 wpc
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): none
Speakers: large and small advents hooked up to pioneer utah as 2a hooked up to harman kardon
CD Player/DAC: None my cd player stopped working started turning itself on and would read discs hopeing to get one for christmas though
Turntable/Phono Stage: technics sl b2 with audio technica mono stylis
Other Source(s): dbx multi source switch so i can run both recievers off of one cd player
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: cheap fay wire 12 gauge works good
Other (Power Conditioner, Racks etc.): none
Tweaks: Harman kardon was professionally rebuilt utahs have two jbl 8 inch woofers with motorola horn tweeters
Room Size (LxWxH): 10 ft x 10ft x 8ft
Room Comments/Treatments: Small room big stereo
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): classic rock rap some country but very little
System Goals/Comments: hope to get a powerfuller reciever maybe a pioneer sx 1250 in the works otherwise i love my system
System Strengths: Drives my parents crazy its pretty loud has really good sound
System Weaknesses: Not powerfull enough for my likes of music or maybe im just going deaf
Video/HT System: None
TV/Projector: 8 inch black and white tv rummage sale find .50 cents
Processor/Receiver/Amplifiers: none
Speakers (Center, Surrounds, Sub): none
Sources (DVD/VCR): none
Other HT Gear: none
Comments on HT System: none
URL Link: http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://vintagestereo.tripod.com/my_photo_album_of_my_stereo/thumbnails/100x100/advent_2.JPG&imgrefurl=http://vintagestereo.tripod.com/my_photo_album_of_my_stereo/&h=75&w=100&sz=7&hl=en&start=16&tbnid=h0QjCtlZY70dqM:&tbnh=62&tbnw=82&prev=/images?q=small+advents&svnum=10&hl=en&lr=&sa=G
Other Interests/Hobbies/Occupation: classic cars truck get alot of stuff from junkyard my brother works at help brother build up his truck put 33 inch tires on it next summer we are entering it in offroad events and im going to drive

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