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wet weasel's the Wave-Motion Engine System
IP Address: Last Update: October 10, 2007 at 21:58:21
Amplifier: Pass Labs X350.5, 350 wpc at 8 ohm
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): Pass Labs X0.2
Speakers: Rockport Syzygy, 92 dB at 2.73 V
Wilson WATCH Dog
Audio Physic Virgo
CD Player/DAC: Madrigal ML no. 39 as transport
dCS Purcell 1394 upsampler
dCS Elgar non-1394 dac
Turntable/Phono Stage: Michell Orbe w/SME 5 arm
Lyra Helikon SL
Lehmann Black Cube phono stage
Other Source(s): Mattel Reference "Close-n-Play" backup vinyl playback.
Barely muffled Harley bagger.
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: Brilliant Livestock Electroschlock silver/tfe various
Nordost Frey, Valhalla
AlphaCore copper speaker cables
Other (Power Conditioner, Racks etc.): Brilliant Livestock Mu Rack
(design in progress)
Brilliant Livestock Corrupts Absolutely power cords
Tweaks: homemade InCPot indium/graphite coupling feet,BriLiv "Skanki Stones" with unique passive-aggressive dissipation feature
Room Size (LxWxH): 32 x 32 x 10
Room Comments/Treatments: Workshop and Weasel Wallow. Concrete floor. Needs acoustic treatments!!
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): Classical: Stravinsky and contemporaries
50s, 60s jazz
70s, 80s rock
System Goals/Comments: To extract as much as possible from the recording without introducing additive distortions.
System Strengths: Good resolution, tonal and temporal. Freedom from "ss" or "tubey" artifacts. Treads near the analytical, yet involves me in the music. Looks cool. Runs hot.
System Weaknesses: Cabling, power treatment, room acoustics, seriously massive componentry defies easy rearrangement. Unsure if synergy can be improved. Need phono stage, system-specific transport. Huge power requirements: Leaves ship defenseless for a minute after firing.
Video/HT System: None
Other Interests/Hobbies/Occupation: Wine. Visual astronomy. Firearms and handloading. All manner of natural philosophy. Writing fiction.

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