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flyfish2002's A Journey of Glass and Vinyl System
IP Address: Last Update: April 13, 2013 at 10:25:16
Amplifier: Monoblocks: Sonic Frontiers SFM-160s heavily modded by Chris Johnson. Run with MQ of Tung Sol KT-120s and NOS Mazda 6922/E88CC.
Preamplifier (or None if Integrated): Sonic Frontiers Line 3 heavily modded by Bill Thalmann (former lead engineer/designer at Conrad Johnson, including TFTF and CuTF V-Caps throughout. Re-tubed with NOS Siemens CCas and E88CCs.
Speakers: Main: Genesis IM-8300s completely rebuilt by Audio Ventures of Wasukesha, WI, including a crossover rebuilt with V-Caps (these guys are magicians!) 4ohms; 86 dB sensitivity

Subs: Pair of Genesis Servo 12 subwoofers, each with stand alone 400W amp/crossover unit (after over 10 years of use, they had to go to a local shop for a bit of TLC - really breathed some fresh life into them)
CD Player/DAC: Stello U2 feeding a DA100 Signature via I2S. Source is a networked SB Touch that has an upgraded outboard PS. An aftermarket SW mod to the SB Touch that enables USB out into the U2 is de rigeur. For a guy dedicated to vinyl, I find this modestly priced combo very musically satisfying.
Turntable/Phono Stage: Sonic Frontiers SFP-1 run in MM mode. The SFP-1 was heavily modded by Bill Thalmann, including TFTF V-caps throughout and vintage NOS Mullard tubes from Bill's private "stash". Bill is a true craftsman, a dedicated audiophile and a gentleman. I can't tell you how magical my analog rig now sounds and how much a pleasure it is to work with him.

EAR MC-4 Step-up Transformer using the 40 ohm tap

VPI TNT fully upgraded with single motor fly wheel SAMA, SDS, super platter, ring clamp and BDR The Clamp; TNT sits on a Gingko Cloud 12A (custom-sized) which rests on a solid maple slab (30" x 22" x 3") to provide a large enough foundation - the top of my TT stand has too small of a foot print.

Graham Phantom Mk ii with 10" Titanium arm wand mounted on an arm board custom made by Bob Graham for the TNT.

Clearaudio Stradivari (MC 0.7mV)
Other Accessories/Room/Misc.:
Speaker Cables/Interconnects: Speaker Cables: Shunyata Research Andromeda bi-wire 1.5m

ICs: Purist Audio Design Venustas Praesto revision RCAs and XLR throughout.

Phono Cable: Silver Audio SilverBreeze. I use two: DIN to RCA from the Phantom Mk ii to the EAR MC-4 and RCA to RCA from the EAR MC-4 to the phono stage. If you like Ag for your phono cable, the Silver Breeze is a must audition. It trounced my Hovland MG2. Max Kreifeldt is great to work with and his craftsmanship is top notch.

Digital: I upgraded the stock I2S cable from Stello with Steve Nugent's recommendation. This was not insignificant. Contact Steve if you use an I2S connection - you will be glad you did.
Other (Power Conditioner, Racks etc.): Billy Bags equipment racks (2) and amp stands (2)

Two Hydra 2 PLCs (monoblocks and sub amp/crossover units) fed by 20A VH Audio Flavor 4 PCs

One Hydra 6 PLC (source components) fed by a 20A VH Audio Flavor 4 PC

PCs: VH Audio Trans (a top-of-the-line PC from Chris that I reviewed and subsequently purchased; designed and executed as an "all out assault" on PCs and sit above the AirSine - and boy does it; never made it into production)feeds the line stage. AirSines for monoblocks, phono stage and DAC; VH Audio Flavor 1 for SAMA; DIY VH Audio Flavor 4s for SDS and PLCs (as indicated above); and DIY Oyaide Tunami GPX-R for sub amp/crossover units.
Tweaks: Two dedicated Oyaide R-1s (monoblocks and subs) and one dedicated Furutech GTX-D(R) (front end) with 10awg cyro'd and cooked Romex feed the three Hydras using the 20A VH Audio Flavor 4 PCs

Tube equipment placed on Herbie's Audio Lab Iso-Cup w/Lamplack Ball (three each unit)

Most tubes use Herbie's Audio Lab UltraSonic Tube Dampers

DAC & SAMA and power supplies on Herbie's Audio Lab TenderFeet
Room Comments/Treatments: To be updated
Music Preferences and Comments:
Music Used (Genre/Selections): 40% acoustic jazz, either instrumental or vocal, i.e., Charles Mingus, John Coltrane, Diane Schurr, Diane Krall, Sonny Rollins, etc.

30% jazz fusion, i.e., Pat Methany, John Scofield, Weather Report, Jean-Luc Ponty, Yellow Jackets, etc.

20% various rock (no pop!)

10% classical, favoring small ensemble
System Goals/Comments: My listening preferences are transparency, strong transients, detail, sound staging and realistic vocals. I am not a “bassophile”, nor do I need the last word in treble, though harsh or bright treble fatigues me. To be updated
System Strengths: To be updated
System Weaknesses: To be updated
Video/HT System: None

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